Tonight, I'll be on the maiden episode of "Creature Features" radio show, talking about giants and about Bigfoot. 8 pm EST/7 pm Central/5 pm Pacific.
I thought I'd add some photos in here that I might refer to tonight.
Above is a comparison of maps - the one on the left shows where giant founds have been made, the one on the right shows Bigfoot sightings.
Interestingly, today in regions like Ohio Valley, Bigfoot is often reported, in an area where ancient mound civilizations existed. The Lenni Lenape said they drove the giants down the Mississippi. Today, East Texas and Oklahoma are hugely reported Bigfoot lands. The Paiutes reported in their legends that the red-haired giants in Nevada came there from the region that became California. So, we have a strong correlation that, where the giants lived, there are today still giants.
The tall coastal tribes of America were believed to have no relation to Native American people who were of Asian origins. They were, however, potentially related to the aboriginal people of Australia and the natives of the South Pacific. These people carry Denisovan DNA from tens of thousands of years back, just as Europeans carry Neanderthal DNA.
What we know of Denisovans is rather limited, as we have not uncovered skulls or skeletons. Supposing the Denisovans were tall and hairy with "otamid" skull shapes that show up in Coastal Americans (Karankawa Indians, Pericues of Baja, Yaghans of Tierra Del Fuego - tip of Argentina) and South Pacificers, we might have uncovered an ancestor for the Tall Ones, both ancient ones and today's.
Of aborigines of Australia -
SOURCE: Unlike African Blacks, these people have abundant beards, a lot of hair on the body, are shorter, have slimmer lips, a tilted front (not cambered), prominent eye ridge and aquiline noses. The hair is somewhat less kinky. The Aborigines maintain in their physic some very primitive traits for modern human races: evasive foreheads, very prominent eyebrow ridge, eyes sunk into the sockets, and extremely wide noses, with a depressed base and elusive chin. The skin is dark, but not so much like in African Blacks; the body is rather slim and tall, with long and thin arms and feet.
This race has one of the highest genetic diversity amongst current human races (being bypassed just by the Bushmen, the oldest living human race), the mitochondrial DNA showing an age of at least 35,000 years for this human type.
One curiosity of the Black Asian race (Aborigines included) is that some children can have naturally blond hair. Still, with the age this hair turns gradually dark.
I found it interesting because Solomon Islands spit out red-haired and blond-haired children often. It's also interesting because they mention the race went back 35,000 years, yet Australia has the Mungo Man, a man who lived 45,000 to 60,000 years ago in Australia and was tall. Who was Mungo Man? One of the earliest interbred mixes of Homo sapiens and Denisovans?
The Canary Islands had a tribe called the Guanches. These tall people had red and blond hair among them. They also had an interesting trait - they made no boats and had no way to visit their other neighboring islands. They acted as if someone had dropped them off there and they just settled in and figured out how to live like castaways.
The Americas were settled first by a people who approached it before the ice age and likely by boat. This would be a group who had lived outside of Africa many tens or hundreds of thousands of years before Homo sapiens emerged from the continent. These people appeared to bring "South Pacific" influences to the coasts of the Americas and tall coastal tribes that eventually met up with the after-ice-age land bridge travelers who became the Native American classified tribes of Americas or what some archaeologists refer to as the "second migration."
I wrote this post about the slope-headed skull found in Humboldt Sink (btw, the university paper was taken down from online after my post went up). After doing the post, I drew over top of the photo of the skull, given where the nose hole is up high between the eyes, the nose attached in the forehead between brows instead of between eyes like us, giving it likely large sinuses and powerful cheekbones, capable of making some unsettling sounds, no doubt.
The Neanderthal were found to have cannibalistic ways. There is a lot of conjecture of why. They even ate their recently dead. This intrigued me because the Paiutes described that the red-haired giants didn't just eat their people, but dug up the recently buried and ate them. This kind of behavior sounds a bit more like a predator/carnivore's behavior. The study of the skull (above) from Lovelock, Nevada area described a jaw that showed they were carnivorous. Carnivorous beings are predatory by nature. They do not forage or grow foods as we would, but their lives are based on stalking prey.
There are numerous postings under the "giants" and "Bigfoot" tabs at the top of this blog, as well as "favorite" posts on the right-hand side. Enjoy these postings and mull them over in your mind. It seems apparent there were people before us, a bit ahead in the game, who lacked the population growth we had and ultimately their numbers and their aggressive tendencies drove them underground to try and survive. At least, this is where my research is leading me and I continue on this path quite avidly, as this is truly an amazing study for mankind and our understanding of how we got here to where we are today and all the contributing factors to our priorities and our tendencies.
More - a post I wrote about possible origins of giants
On the top right-hand side of this blog, you can find a listing of the most popular posts and there are a lot of Bigfoot and Giant postings. I hope you get acquainted with some of the work I've been doing and research I've been conducting on these subjects.
It has brought me around to an obvious conclusion that, if we are uncovering giant skeletons in America and we have a giant people here in hiding, there is a likely correlation.
Karankawa (now extinct) Texas Coastal Indians were different than others that were come across in inland America. In fact, their skulls were classified as Otamid.
"The Otamid type is widely found in early or putatively early context, and in later times, in marginal areas. Neumann's type series for the Otamid variety is a small group from the Gulf Coast of Texas representing Karankawa Indians of the historic period. Frequently also the Pericue Indians of Baja California are mentioned in this connection...." ("An Unusual Human Skull from near Lovelock, Nevada" by Erik K. Reed)
Source: "I have alluded to the Ot-ne-yar-hed or Stonish Giants, who overran the country, fought a great battle, and held the people in subjection for a long time.The Stonish Giants were so ravenous that they devoured the people of almost every town in the country. At the Mississippi they had separated from all others and gone to the northwest."The family was was left to seek its habitation, and the rules of humanity were forgotten, and afterwards eat raw flesh of the animals. At length they practiced rolling themselves on the sand, by this means their bodies were covered with hard skin; these people became giants and were dreadful invaders of the country." So said David Cusick. According to him the Holder of the Heavens led them into a deep ravine near Onondaga, and rolled great stones on them in the night. But one escaped, and since then "the Stonish Giants left the country and seeks an asylum in the regions of the north." The Onondagas have a local but different story. They say that a Stone Giant lived near Cardiff, a little south of their reservation, which is by no means their early home. He was once like other men, but was a great eater, becoming a cannibal, and increased in size. His skin became hard and changed into scales, which alone would turn an arrow. Every day he came through the valley, caught and devoured an Onondaga, a fearful toll. The people were dismayed but formed a plan. They made a road in the marsh with a covered pitfall, decoyed the giant through the path and down he went and was killed.Of course when the Cardiff Giant was "found" it did not astonish the Onondagas that he was of stone. The Onondagas have also a story of a Stone Giant's race with a man near Jamesville. He ran the man into the hollow at Green Pond, west of that village, where the rocks rise 200 feet above the water on three sides. On the south side the precipice can be ascended by a natural stairway at one spot, and the man was far enough ahead to reach the top before the other. He lay down and looked from the rocks to see what the other would do. The latter came and looked around. Not seeing the man he took out of his pouch what seemed a finger, but was really a pointer of bone. By means of this he could find any object he wished, and so it was always useful in hunting. As he climbed the rocks the man reached down and took away the pointer before the other saw him. The giant begged him to restore it. If he would do this he was promised good luck and long life for himself and friends. Though he begged so piteously the man ran home with it to show his friends, leaving him there helpless, unable to find his way. His friends interceded, telling him to accept the giant's good offer and not incur his enmity. So they went back adn found him still at the lake. He recieved his pointer, promising to eat men no more, and good luck followed the man. This is one of the oldest Stone Giant stories, closely resembling one told by David Cusick.
There are numerous postings under the "giants" and "Bigfoot" tabs at the top of this blog, as well as "favorite" posts on the right-hand side. Enjoy these postings and mull them over in your mind. It seems apparent there were people before us, a bit ahead in the game, who lacked the population growth we had and ultimately their numbers and their aggressive tendencies drove them underground to try and survive. At least, this is where my research is leading me and I continue on this path quite avidly, as this is truly an amazing study for mankind and our understanding of how we got here to where we are today and all the contributing factors to our priorities and our tendencies.
More - a post I wrote about possible origins of giants
I hope y'all listen in tonight and enjoy the show. It is always a pleasure to talk to intelligent people, like Eric Altman, about concepts and theories.
8 pm EST/7 pm Central/5 pm Pacific - HERE -
8 pm EST/7 pm Central/5 pm Pacific - HERE -
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