Alien Brain Hemorrhage
Use a shot glass and take 1/2 the shot glass and fill with peach schnapps and then gently pour a capful or two of Bailey's Irish Creme, then gently pour a capful of blue curacao on top, then take a capful of grenadine and drip bits of it here and there on top and let it sink.
Toasted Marshmallow Shooters
Twilight's Kiss of a Vampire Martini
1 ½ oz. Chilled Vodka 1 ½ oz. Champagne ¾ oz. Black Raspberry Liqueur Sugar Red food coloring Wax vampire teeth (Optional) START: Rim martini glasses with sugar dipped in red food color. You can also drop in a set of wax vampire teeth for a real surprise. Pour vodka and half of black raspberry liqueur in a martini glass. Top with champagne and pour the remaining black raspberry liqueur over the back of a spoon to make it float.
Bleeding Heart Martini
2 oz dry vermouth, 8 oz gin, ice cubes, 4 pickled baby beets with cocktail skewer. START: Chill 4 martini glasses in freezer or fill with ice water and let sit until frosty, about 5 minutes (pour out water). Add vermouth in even amounts. Swirl to coat glasses. Then, pour out. Add gin to a shaker and fill with ice, shake vigorously until cold. Divide among chilled glasses. Garnish with skewered pickled beet.
Apple Pie Punch
Apple cider, spiced rum, and hot cinnamon schnapps to taste, floating slices of apple on top and a red vine straw in the cups
Black Lagoon Cocktail
4 oz vodka, 2 oz rosemary-lemon syrup (2 lemons - the peels only, 2 sprigs rosemary, 2 c sugar, 2 c. water boiled and then cooled) , 2 tsp fresh lemon juice, licorice ice cubes (4 c. water, 2 T. anise seeds, 2-4 drops black food coloring - boil water and seeds and then cool for 30 minutes, add coloring and make into ice cubes). START: Combine Vodka, syrup, and juice in a cocktail shaker, stir to combine. Add seltzer, and divide between two glasses filled with licorice ice cubes.
Eyeball Highballs
14 medium radishes, 7 pimiento-stuffed olives, halved crosswise, 16 oz gin or vodka, 1 oz vermouth. START: Trim stem and root ends of radish. Use a paring knife to scrape red skin from radish, leaving just enough to give a veiny appearance. With a small melon baller, cut a hole in radish, about 1/2 inch in diameter. Fit an olive half, cut-side facing out, into hole. Place radish in ice-cube tray. Repeat with remaining radishes. Fill tray with water; freeze. Mix vodka or gin with vermouth; stir with ice. Divide eyeball ice cubes among four glasses. Strain martini; pour into glasses, and serve.
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