Greatest Jack O' Lantern Artist

It goes without saying, when one gazes at Ray Villafane's art that pumpkin medium has been well underrated in the past. How did we ever get along with just cutting out triangle eyes and saw teeth when there was all this potential in a simple fruit?

Ray's are can be seen everywhere this time of year, but his studios put out some awesome works you have to see in the galleries to believe. Go to this link.

This year, I bought the carving kit he has in his shop online and I hope to make something very interesting this weekend. I will share it, no matter how it turns out. I've never tried sculpture, so the whole attitude is interesting, you kind of have to take away sections in a kind of negative orientation. 

I really enjoy the added touch of the twisted limbs for arms, legs, horns - 

Be sure you stay up on what he's doing on Facebook. 
