Proof of Ancient Electricity?

In 1961, some rock hounds went out poking around for geodes and such in the Olancha, California.  While opening up a geode, one of the rock collectors was amazed.  There was a man-made object within and the geode was aged at about 500,000 years.

The find was under much criticism because it was reportedly examined by a geologist (unnamed) who proclaimed the geode was 500,000 years old (no report filed). 

Ron Calais, a creationist, was allowed to photograph and x-ray the item. It appeared to have a corroded piece of metal in a coil shape with a porcelain shape. 

Oddly, the whereabouts of the item are unknown. One of the finders has deceased, one is missing and one is still alive, but will not speak about it. 

Of all the talk going back and forth about this find and conjecture, an ancient spark plug seems to be the one most often bantered about.  The porcelain is seen as an insulator.

Porcelain Insulators
Power lines and other electrified wires transmit high-voltage electrical energy along suspended wires. While the wires themselves typically contain no insulation, certain spots along the electrified wires require insulation. For example, insulators are required in places where the live electrical wires come into contact with the poles that support them, and where they come into contact with buildings. Since insulators do not respond to electrical fields, they can go a long way in preventing fires and electrical failure.

Porcelain insulators typically contain large concentrations of some other mineral like alumina or clay. The combination of porcelain and other minerals allows electricity to pass without reacting with nearby electrical conductors. This not only ensures greater safety, but enables the electricity to pass without losing any of its charge. Since porcelain does not conduct electricity, especially when combined with other non-conductive materials, it makes the ideal material for insulators.

The coil brings to mind these numerous metal tiny spirals found in Russia. 

As we have been told that man did not have knowledge of technology because he seemed to have "forgotten" the knowledge of building megaliths or making batteries, we are stuck in that rut that is, unfortunately, common beliefs in archaeology and anthropology. 

Yes, man did not have that knowledge, at least not homo sapiens, but what of an earlier evolved intelligent race of humankind? They had the knowledge. They went away. Homo sapiens aped it or tried to retro-engineer or simply didn't understand its uses and did not evolve to such knowledge until thousands of years later. 

Baghdad battery:  The components were found in Mesopotamia dating back to about 250 BCE (before common era, or in other words, BC).  Ironically, archaeologists generally dismiss this concept that these components were for a battery and many point to "Chariots of the Gods" and "pseudoarchaeology" as being incorrect. It would seem that OPART (out of place/out of time) objects are still the bane of archaeologists' existence. 

These items included a terra cotta pot (remember above the underlined and bolded necessary ingredient for insulation - clay?), a copper cylinder with an iron rod inside. The jar would bulge outward toward the middle and the cylinder/rod iron would fit tightly into the opening. It would be allowed to be exposed to the elements and corrode and then an acidic component would be added to create current, such as lemon juice or vinegar.

To support this theory, gold-plated objects found in the Middle East shows signs of electroplating. This has also been disputed as being fire-plated using mercury. Around and around the concept of ancient electricity goes, always stopped at the foot of archaeologists and anthropologists who do not want to cause any disruption in commonly accepted concepts in their field.

It seems this could be cleared up neatly if one made a homemade battery as was found in the Baghdad area and try electroplating something with gold. Then, try doing it utilizing mercury and fire plating. Compare to the artifact. Hmmm

Was this (below) and Egyptian light bulb? Were the pyramids piezoelectric-creating powerhouses? 

It is believed the pyramids are giant capacitors, constructed to make use of piezoelectricity in these stone buildings that come to a singular point. With a solid gold tip (conductor) at the top of the pyramid and the subsequent amplification of current through the stone to the top, a discharge would occur. Basically, the building was made to hold a charge.

I'm coming to think that Tesla's theory was put to use in HAARP experiment. HAARP was an array of antennae placed in Alaska to work on making changes in the ionosphere to see the results. Many blamed bad weather, earthquakes and bad mojo on it, but here's something telling Tesla said that might shed light onto it - 

After reading something Tesla said, I am looking at government actions in a new light. Tesla likened the Earth to one capacitor plate and the ionosphere as another. The volt gradient between them is measured at 400,000 volts. By using this principle, he said that he could give free easy energy to the world...

I'm still of the impression that homo sapiens having and losing this knowledge is a quirky concept, as we have never been able to put the genie back in the bottle (the wheel, fire, the atomic bomb....) That would mean that we never had the knowledge, yet there is proof someone was using such knowledge long ago in fairly crude methods, but knowledge just the same, which to me points at the concept, not of aliens, but of another branch of man who had earlier evolution, the first world migration, the originators....
