Horror Movies: Easter Eggs and Editing Mistakes

Hopefully, you've heard of Easter Eggs. No, not the Cadbury kind, but the DVD kind! Hidden on many DVDs are little extras, but you need to know how to access them. Here's some good horror movie DVD Easter Eggs for you—this is as close to the Bun-Man as I get this time of year.

“Jeepers Creepers”
From the main menu, go the "Scene Selections" section. At the bottom of the first selection screen, highlight the "Chapter 1-4" entry and then pressyour Up button. This will highlight a stitch. Press your Enter button to watch an interview clip of famed science fiction writer Richard Matheson. 

Didn't notice director Victor Salva's Hitchcock-like appearance in Jeepers Creepers? This Easter Egg makes it easy to find. From the "Special Features" submenu, go to the "Cast & Crew" section. Highlight "Victor Salva" and then press your Up button. This will highlight a bloody streak. Press your Enter button to play director Victor Salva's cameo in the movie. 

Here's a "creepy" Jeepers Creepers Easter Egg. Insert the movie side of the DVD and, from the disc's main menu, highlight the "Languages" menu entry. Now, pressyour Left button to highlight the image of a piece of rope. Press your Enter button now to display an alternate version of the main menu featuring the Creeper Eye.

“Practical Magic”
Go to "special features", click on "the cauldron". click first on rosemary, then mint, grapes, and last is lavender. then click on mix. this will bring you to "making magic" and "casting a spell"

“The Sixth Sense”
In the Bonus Materials section, go to the second page and highlight the jewelry box on the screen; then press Enter. You'll see an excerpt from a horror movie Shyamalan shot at age 11.

“Thirteen Ghosts” (new)
First, go to the "Special Features" menu. When it comes up, Go to "Ghost profiles". After Cyrus is done talking to you, select the object that is a jaw bone. Cyrus will start telling you about the Jackal, and in it you will see several scenes from House on Haunted Hill.

"28 Days Later"
When you enter the special features "Alternate ending" page, what you see is not always what you get. If you go down, highlight Main Menu, then hit right, you will highlight a little arrow. Hit enter to access a fantastic storyboard Radical alternate ending.

Highlight a hidden icon in the "scene selection" menu just above scene 10 to see the actors getting attacked by green x's in the subway (special effects). 

My favorite site is hiddendvdeastereggs Look up some of your favorite horror movies.

There's lots of errors in editing that amuse

I'm warped enough to get most excited during movies when I see editing mistakes. I think the movie “Practical Magic” had some of the most blatant ones of any movie I've ever seen, but “Meet the Parents” was close. Just little things like two people talking and when they cut back to one of them, he has a necklace he didn't have earlier or that open bottle he was holding has a cork in it, stuff like that.

A great site to find these and to report them is moviemistakes.

Here's a great example: We all know the classic movie “Halloween.” Here's the page with people listing all the mistakes they found. These include seeing the fan used to blow the curtains, seeing the boom mic and the crew's cigarette smoke and many more things that don't line up. For instance, “When Annie is locked in the laundry room, there's a scene where the phone is ringing incessantly and the camera pans slowly to the right showing little Lindsay Wallace who's too busy watching television to answer the phone. If you watch this scene in widescreen, you'll see a crew member lurking in the shadows (left side of the screen) on the wall. It appears they are trying to avoid being seen.

Just remember, there's more to movies than just watching them!
