Newly Discovered Ancient Unusual Finds


Note: I believe that ultimately we will be faced with having to finally solve the riddle of why very primitive people thousands to tens of thousands of years ago were making structures to track the constellations and precision stone monuments and yet they showed signs upon discovery by others, to be living in rather primitive means, practicing spirituality but not showing the advanced knowledge they should have if they were thousands of years into building small astronomical buildings and such. When we accept the presence of the ancients - then we can finally figure out what homo sapiens can take credit for and what they learned to emulate or even worship. 

Source:  Recently in Virginia, concentric stone circles were discovered that might signify the oldest man built structure in America.  It dates back 9000 years ago.  While the concentric rock circles and sight lines appear to connect the site to the solar year, other objects found on the ground seem to speak about ceremonies held there. The palm-sized pieces of stone appear to depict animals, like bear, mammoth and bison.  His most recent find is a lot bigger. Higher up the mountain are several large boulders that appear to have been stacked on top of each other to create a table-like structure.  The boulders, two wide and two high, have been “artificially shimmed, to try to make it as flat and level as possible,” Chris pointed out. The top boulder on the west is a single rock, but the back half of the table top is two separate rocks.At certain times of the year, the sun, at midday, shines directly down into the center split. “It’s almost like Indiana Jones,” he said.

Animal effigies - once again, highly associated with giants who also very much enjoyed stone structures, especially round ones and astronomy tracking. These are key markers of a site built by the giant civilization, as these lands were riddled with their skeletons and burial mounds. 

Rather advanced knowledge for paleo-indians at 9000 years ago. but classic for the giant civilization of the Early Populated Americas. 

Clues it's a giant area: Animal effigies, stone structures, often round burial mounds, sarcophagi, cave bones, burials with shell jewelry and implements including pipes fashioned as animals, along waterways and lakes where there are good trading routes and copper mining. 

The Teotihuacan Temple outside of Mexico City provided an interesting new find - hundreds of spheres beneath it. They date the temple at around 100 BC.  It was abandoned for unknown reasons around 700 AD, long before the Aztecs arrived in the 1300s. Exploring a tunnel beneath it, these spheres were found. They were found by a remote robot sent into this unexplored tunnel. It found 1-1/2 to 5 inch spheres made of clay and covered in jarosite. 

Another out of place-out-of-date find commonly called OOPART?  

Well, listen to this - "This material is formed by the oxidation of pyrite, which is a metallic ore," Gómez Chávez said. "It means that in pre-hispanic times they appeared as if they were metallic spheres. There are hundreds of these in the south chamber." "Maybe in this place," Gómez Chávez said, "we will find the remains of those who ruled Teotihuacan.”

"Those who ruled Teotihuacan" - not aliens, mind you, not necessarily the native homo sapiens, but the ancient giant people who worked with metal and for that reason were in the copper mining regions of South America and North America, Wales and other regions around the world where they could work their metals. Even the local Native people of Wisconsin admitted that the mines there were mined by the white people who came before them.  This doesn't mean Europeans in ancient times - it means the race of giants whose coloring for whatever evolutionary reasons, appeared to be fair-skinned and fair-haired due to their evolutionary bend from whatever their lineage was within the homo erectus family. 

Researchers at Serra da Capivara National Park unearthed stone tools last year that they say prove that humans reached what is now northeast Brazil as early as 22,000 years ago. Their discovery adds to the growing body of research upending a prevailing belief of 20th-century archaeology in the United States known as the Clovis model, which holds that people first arrived in the Americas from Asia about 13,000 years ago.

“If they’re right, and there’s a great possibility that they are, that will change everything we know about the settlement of the Americas,” said Walter Neves, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of São Paulo whose own analysis of an 11,000-year-old skull in Brazil implies that some ancient Americans resembled aboriginal Australians more than they did Asians.


The good news:  Ancient aliens did not create ancient monuments or give knowledge to the locals - a giant race did. 

The bad news:  We might have to rethink who created what and who discovered what. 

It would appear we may be crediting lots of people around the world with building monuments they did not erect and creating languages that they borrowed. It doesn't mean their own cultures didn't take these concepts and run, but we must be honest about where they were in their own educational evolution and practical knowledge versus a much much much older culture that developed technology, spirituality, language, and seafaring long before we dreamed of the concept. 

This shouldn't threaten anyone like the ancient alien concept does. In fact, it should comfort us to know that our leap in knowledge wasn't something magical, simply the influence of mentors. Your father might have known how to pitch a ball, but you could take that knowledge and become a pro baseball player. 

Homo Sapiens, from our dominance on the earth and where we have taken technology, show us to be able to make these strides in such a short time thanks to mentors who did the hard early learning for us. 

There might, in fact, be reason to believe that giants brought us homo sapiens across waterways to the Americas when we believe the ice age was in full swing and conditions would be unbearable and they would have done so by -- taking us through Peru and South American entrances, Baja and Mexico coastlines. 

Their reasons for bringing us might have been simple - we were either pets or slaves. Remember "Planet of the Apes"? We homo sapiens were so far behind evolutionary wise that we were barely imitating the use of tools and language, and were likely looked upon as inferior but trainable.

We homo sapiens, however, showed a hearty resolve and intuitive intelligence to run with ancient knowledge in a short time period on the shoulders of giants to be the victors

Extra:  You might enjoy this site telling about 10 finds that science can't quite explain -

** Tomorrow's post is Establishing a respectful Sasquatch Habitation Site **

Do not miss tonight's Paranormal Geeks Radio show with paranormal researcher, author and lecturer, David Rountree at 9 pm EST/8 pm Central/6 pm Pacific time.
