Moundsville Mound and the Adena

Julie and I trekked to Moundsville, WV to see the prison, but my real excitement was the burial mound of the "Adena." They existed around 1000 BC. They don't know what happened to these ancient people who made copper bead necklaces and pipes and lots of pottery and hieroglyphics, but they believe they didn't go away all at once but were assimilated in the Native Tribe of the Hopewell from neighboring Ohio.

Although there was no mention of ancient giant skeletons that are associated with such burial mounds in this region, there was mention that their hieroglyphs had not been deciphered yet and they resembled many languages including runes, Greek, Old British, Etruscan, Celtic, Libyan, and Numidian. What is odd about that is that these languages are newer than this mound builder language. So, did the mound builders influence future languages and, if so, then is that proof of earlier navigation of continents than we thought with our archaic belief that Columbus was the first one here? Is it coincidental that the much more ancient Egyptians had hieroglyphs, stone buildings, sarcophagi, jewelry made of metals, and much of the same items as the mound builders?

This intrigued me because the symbols appear to have so many influences and this has to make one wonder about past interactions with other cultures.

(above) Ogham- Celtic language from 1st to 4th century AD

(above) Runes - Norse origins

(above) Numidian- 200 BC Libyan

(above) Etruscan - 700 BC Italy

(above) the symbols supposedly on the I-Beam from the Roswell crash - kind of reminded me of this. 

This is my messy and unattractive attempt to compare the language origins - 

Are we going to decipher this language and begin to understand what the Adena moundbuilders wanted to document?  It's a difficult thing when we consider that likely this is a remote language for one area of Natives and not shared with others. Isolation of communities would create their own language and likely not any intermixing with other Tribes, so what one group in what is now West Virginia were doing would be vastly different than say, the HoHoKam ancient tribe of Arizona.

(above HoHoKam of Arizona)

If we want to go further with even more language comparisons - here is Kabbalistic symbols from Hebrew -

Here's the Lenape tribe of Delaware - 

The other alternative is an intervention from a higher technological race that not only gave us the tools and knowledge to build pyramids and to use language, but perhaps genetically altered us to have that sentient ability that modern humans have and other animals do not. They gave us knowledge, they gave us tools, and then they left, leaving their influences in symbols adopted by the newly intelligent people who interpreted them and passed them through generations with variations and loss of some of the details so that the languages seem similar, but not identical.

Was there a mass "uniter" and then back to the geographical isolation again, thus explaining pyramids and similar cultural features from a universal influence?

If you are as fascinated as I am, please read this wonderful article that details the bodies that were found there and their artifacts -


  1. Amazing stuff Sharon... Honestly, your work blows me away every time.

    Keep up the good work sister!!!!


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