I like to occasionally write about concepts in the evolution of paranormal research. I keep using the word “ghost” because no other word quite captures the phenomena associated with “haunted” locations. But, what if we could prove the afterlife once and for all?
All the photography, EVPs, and video in the world will not prove ghosts. What will prove them? Some exciting outside the box thinking, technology and custom experiments.
Did you know that in one ER they mounted a scrolling screen atop a cabinet facing the ceiling where no one can see it and it scrolls random messages. Why? So if someone has an out of body experience and can report what they saw on the screen while hovering over their own body, they might answer the question of whether we actually do have a consciousness that rises out of the body during the moment of near-death.
Here's another exciting advancement:
(Wiki) A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a direct neural interface or a brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device.
BCI's are being worked on to assist people with limited mobility to be able to interact with a computer, say, while being quadriplegic or having debilitating diseases such as Lou Gehrig Disease.
Already, there are computers and robotic arms hooked up to subjects like chimps who can think where they want the robotic arm to move to feed them or to choose items on a computer screen by the movement of their eyes.
So, what does this mean for the world of ghost hunting? Imagine that we have the telepathic ability for the mind to recall a past event, show it on a screen or to think words and have them scroll across the screen. What does this mean when a person dies? Would we finally be able to see their final images of an afterlife? Communicate even? We have just recently been able to image the brain and know what person you are thinking about? Scary, huh?
Exciting things on the horizon and not just for the amazing advances on helping those who are immobile, but perhaps having a wide-scope of cascading effects in other areas of research!
What would you invent in terms of research of the paranormal in the future? Computer interactions? Dying memory chip implants? How about a death room filled with potential ways the dead could communicate as they pass on?
Curious to know if you will cover Daniel Lutz's 'My Amityville Horror'?