I admit that the first time I heard about Canadian self-made "engineer" John Hutchison, I read about his supposed experiments and saw the videos. I was hooked! It may sound like pseudoscience, but creating a source of energy that allows things to levitate, solids to combine, objects to move, and such could very well explain some principles of poltergeist activity and telekinesis, earth lights, Bermuda Triangle - you name it!
I've always strongly believed that all we consider paranormal from psychics to ghosts and more will be explained by principles of physics at some point; some unifying factor that creates "anomalies."
Admittedly, this man who supposedly invented a way to the impossible is known to be secretive, introverted, and cloaked in a lot of supposed government espionage to steal his knowledge or to repress it. In fact, it's hard to find out where he is located today and see any true documentation of his work that has been backed up by a scientific review. I tend to be skeptical when I read things online that say "a major university" or "being looked at by experts" without any names and places listed.
Even with the skepticism about these amazing claims, let's take a look at what they are:
The story goes that back in 1979, John Hutchison from Canada began tinkering with the longitudinal waves outlined by Nikola Tesla. A fantastic article explains it quite well: The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils.
You toss in Tesla, secret experiments and mention that it's very much like the supposed Philadelphia Experiment findings - you have to wonder. Did something truly unique happen? And, if so, why isn't this man rich, famous, and sought after by everyone?
Skeptics point out that the man was doing this in his apartment using makeshift surplus equipment and that strangely only metal objects seemed to levitate and not wooden ones around them, making skeptics believe that he had a strong electromagnet in the ceiling and was able to lift an object, turn it off, let it go back down.
I do love my uber awkward nerds and those who follow Tesla, so I think Hutchison is seriously badass, but he could also be badass bipolar. I don't know. It's hard to get much information on where he is now and what he's up to and I haven't recently heard about objects levitating in downtown Manhattan or Washington DC, so I don't think he's taking over the world with his supposed invention.
Seriously with all the mayhem and insanity in the Bigfoot world with people claiming to shoot them and trap them in boxes and loud and aggressive celebrity wannabe's ranting and raving on YouTube, I kind of think we need some science carnival barkers to come forward; more ancient aliens theorists, DNA manipulation advocates, and Tesla death ray designers to add to the party atmosphere.
Come on, John Hutchison, you know you want to come out and play. This queen of the paranormal geeks double dog dares ya.
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