Architecture Designs To Keep Away Spirits

Making any plans for your home layout and design? Well, here's some things to consider that are accepted throughout cultures and religions to protect your home from the bad spirits and evil machinations that can attack you and yours.

Curved lines: Keeps the ghosts away according to the Chinese. Chi, or energy, is believed to travel the easy path, straight. That means bad energy can come right in your front door, unless your front pathway is curved. Curved roof tops also help "spirit" it away.  

Gargoyles:  Believed to protect the folks inside the building and ward away evil spirits, gargoyle statues have some uncertain backgrounds, supposedly beginning as nothing more than a water spout, but later taking on a scary symbol that for some could be a blessed guardian.  The Washington Cathedral has 112 such gargoyles much to my delight, as I consider them the ideal pet.

Blue porch ceilings: Painted sky blue so spirits think it's sky and heaven and depart upward and away.  

No 13th floor:  Who wants to live on the 13th floor? I do! I do! But, lots of people are superstitious about that number and many older buildings do not possess that floor.  It really comes down to landlords knowing they may have some issues with renting out that floor.

Celtic Knots:  These woven symbols are meant to protect against bad magic, evil spirits and demons.

Gates with warriors and goblins on them:  The Chinese believe that painting or carving warriors or goblins into your gate are a first defense against evil spirits.

Pentagram:  This 5-pointed star is supposed to turn the evil back on the sender.

Horseshoes:  Hung with opening pointing up, it is a vessel to hold luck. If turned downward, luck pours out. The upright horseshoe above a door is considered a symbol of luck for those in the home.


  1. In some asian cultures, it is believed that evil cannot cross a zig-zagged path and thus you will see walkways and footbridges built in just this fashion.

  2. Yup, here in the south we call a blue porch ceiling haint blue. Don't get me started on the bottle tree lol


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