(The promo shot looks like they're looking for ark of the covenant not racing vehicles in the sky. I'd rather see them dressed in neat white button-up shirts with pocket protectors or even tin foil hats.)
If you haven't yet checked out Chasing UFOs show on Natl Geo, consider seeing it tonight.
I like the two men involved. They seem quite sincere and knowledgeable. I like Ryder just because she's so gosh-darned fun on Destination Truth. But, I am concerned about the Haunted Highway/Finding Bigfoot feel of it as far as trekking things at night, rushing around, getting worked up and such. I really wish the channel would let the show do what it should do which is more like UFO Hunters where were can take them and their research more seriously. Hopefully in season 2 it will evolve that way.
Episode: UFO Landing Zone? Armed with night vision gear and under the cover of darkness, the team scours the site of an alleged alien spacecraft crash in Roswell, N.M.
Episode: UFO Landing Zone?
with night vision gear and under the cover of darkness, the team scours
the site of an alleged alien spacecraft crash in Roswell, N.M.
Modern ghost hunters, not to gothy. More science, less dark fantasy