After lots of dives and studying it, the disc-like shape appears to be some kind of enormous stone with something dark in its cracks that is as of yet unknown. You can learn more here.
The odd thing about the discovery is that there is no silt on the rock, for example; it would ordinarily be covered with silt on the bottom of the sea, Lindberg said. Even more odd for a seemingly natural formation, the main object is disc-shaped and “appears to have construction lines and boxes drawn on it,” Lindberg said. “There are also straight edges.” The divers were limited in what they could see by their lighting technology. This gave them an illumination of only one meter at the most. Sonar was used to explore the object as well. “The surface has cracks on it,” said Lindberg. “There is some black material in the cracks, but we don’t know what it is.” Adding to the mystery, there appears to be a pillar which is holding up the 200 foot wide object, said Lindberg. “The pillar is eight meters high,” he added. Divers explored the space, slowly, so as not to stir up undersea silt and interfere with digital photography. They collected stone samples from nearby the object as well as sonar images and digital images. “We’re going through the footage right now,” said Lindberg, who promised more footage for FoxNews after the team finished screening it.
**Do not forget the earlier post today about Julie and I on the radio show. We'll be on from 8 pm to 10 pm EST.**
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