Abandoned Places - Coming Soon In Print!

Julie and I's book, Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert  Edition) has been a popular one on Kindle and Nook and the readers have told us two dire requests -

1. That we make it in print form for a coffee table heirloom and
2. We add more about psychic skills and the location descriptions.

So, we are currently about to offer this for print form in Amazon. We will keep you posted the day it is available for $11.99.

This book is a labor or love, showing our passion for urban exploration and the unexplained. We went to 12 sites across Arizona. Julie did amazing photography of these abandoned locations and I did psychic reads on an object from the site to bring to life a past story to tell about its history.

Though the sites today are crumbling and neglected, these stories show that life is still there, held in stasis for someone to come and interact with it.
