Zombie Housewives!

The latest from our fantastic publisher Black Bed Sheet Books

Just finished the awesome full color retro interior for Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse! Whew! Coming on Black Bed Sheet Books' APRIL GHOUL'S DAY, April 1st 2012, and premiering at the World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City!


  1. I am so excited for both you and Julie! You gals are awesome!

  2. It's always wonderful to see someone else succeeding because it's not easy to do. I'm glad you got a publisher, cool! I tried to get a publisher once but they sent back a rejection letter - Questbooks!

    1. Just persist. That's all I can say. You just keep doing it until you hit one who is in a good mood that day and receptive. It's been a wild ride. I published 6 books on ebooks in one year while doing ghost hunting, road trips, writing, full-time job, and blogging. I know it's insane. Probably explains why the love life is nonexistent.

  3. Woot! Very excited for the book guys! The photos look great! Let me know when it comes out! I'd love to interview you for Monster Mavens. <3


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