New Season Ghost Adventures Tomorrow!

"Shanghai Tunnels" by Rogue Valley

Drinking game time--new season of "Ghost Adventures" on Travel Channel Tomorrow night. I am letting you know now because tomorrow I have a special post going up all day long--the most important one I have ever written.

Zak and the Boyz are going to the Shanghai Tunnels in Portland, OR!

Drinking game rules:
1. Stay home.
2. One sip for every "bro," "dude," "man," every time Zak thinks he's touched by a ghost, and every time Aaron's mouth drops open in horror.

The Drink?

Portland is a brewery town-get a local brew and support your local brewery!


  1. Klay has been brewing his own beer, and it's insanely good.

    MmmMmmm Beer and Ghost Adventures.

    Oh, I watched The River, and I love it.

  2. I love watching the uncensored dvds of Ghost Adventures. When you watch the episodes on tv the continuous beeping sounds when they censor their swearing gets very annoying.


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