Thursday, February 2, 2012

Meth-Induced Serial Killers

Sometimes, real life horrors are worse than fiction. And, sometimes, I contemplate those who are victims of serial killers and those who are serial killers and wonder if ones driven by meth-use might actually leave a worse haunting issue upon our landscape.

CBS Sacramento: Loren Herzog, along with death row inmate Wesley Shermantine, were believed to be responsible for killing as many as 19 people during a meth-fueled killing spree during the 1980s and 90s in San Joaquin Valley, California.  An appeals court tossed three convictions against Herzog after ruling that his detailed confession was illegally coerced, and Herzog was released into Lassen County on parole for months before his death. Shermantine apparently produced a map and new details about what he called a “bone yard” near San Andreas a few days before Herzog committed suicide.

Unfortunately, because of concerns for public safety, Shermantine is not going to be released to help aid the search for the bodies. This will be a long process.

What sort of crimes does meth fuel? Seventy-five perscent of paper crimes such as forgery and identity theft are believed to be involved with meth use.

Meth-induced sex crimes, torture and killings are on the rise as the use becomes more rampant. Rural areas are most vulnerable to this drug which can be made in home settings and is cheaper than most other easily obtainable drugs. It's addiction is one of the hardest to break, as well.

If the face above doesn't scare youth from trying such a fast-addicting drug, ask your children if they would want to take something that offers this to the buyer, "hurry up and buy this potion that will give you an irregular heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety, tremors, convulsions, violent behavior, psychotic behavior and homicidal tendencies, no ability to earn an income legally, broken relationships, being disowned by loved ones, horrible aging skin, effects upon the brain similar to epilepsy and Alzheimer's, loss of teeth and eventually death."


  1. Oh my word.
    That's just.
    That picture...

    Drug addiction is a scary thing.

  2. This is all too common where I live. It's very sad actually. This is how I became a step mommy.

  3. You're right about that, Kat. I hope that people can take their children and teach them to be strong, resilient and unaffected by peer pressure or crutches. I tell people all the time, life is hard and there are a lot of hurdles, but if you face the hurdles straight on instead of medicating, you only have to deal with the hurdle--if you medication, you have to deal with the hurdle becoming worse and an addiction to deal with, as well.

  4. Meth is scary shit.

    I moved to Idaho in October 2010. I worked at a car dealership for a month before getting a real job.

    I ran into one of the salesmen last week, after not seeing him for over a year. It was easy to tell he somehow became a meth user, because he looked almost EXACTLY like one of those before/after pictures you see.

    Needless to say, he's not working at the moment, and I walked the other way.

  5. see looks so innocent and normal on the left and it looks like a completely different person on the right :( its terrible

  6. When I was a caseworker in the AZ prison system, I encountered many inmates whose crimes were either directly or indirectly related to meth use. My career included several years in a women's prison, and sadly, I learned there that addiction to that drug is especially common among single mothers working more than one job, who begin using it not so much for recreational purposes as to enhance their ability to function in their everyday lives. Of course, using it for that purpose soon becomes counterproductive, to say the least, and ultimately the drug becomes an end rather than a means for them.

  7. Even more scary than heroin.
