High-Impact Horror Movie Scenes

There are a lot of high-impact horror movie scenes, but some represent some basic fears. I think about the ones that were pivotal for most viewers, that gave me them something they had not seen before, enough to make them gasp and to stick with them as something too scary to recover from fully. I am going to try to put them into "types" of scares.

Childhood Fear: "Poltergeist" (clown doll drags the kid under the bed)


 Primal Fear: "Jaws" ("you're gonna need a bigger boat" moment when they realize they are in the water, vulnerable, and the shark is freaking enormous)


 Curiosity Kills: "Jeepers Creepers" (the sibling go to the tube to look down it and find out what the creeper threw down there)

Family Can Turn On You: "The Shining" (the father goes mental and tries to kills his wife and son)

Being possessed: ("The Exorcist" final scene



  1. I do so enjoy your blog, dear AF - it truly is a, "mind carnival."

    Well done!

    BTW: nothing beats the Exorcist for scares per minute.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it, Nat. You are my target audience. I think my favorite was actually "The Changeling" or "The Haunting" because they seemed feasible.

  2. Gotta go for The Exorcist for the great laughs.

  3. One of the most unsettling scenes in the history of horror is the infamous "dinner scene" from Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the orginal). It's not particularly graphic or violent, but the gritty style set and jarring editing highten tension in a way no rip-off/sequal could replicate. Also, the blood-chilling soundtrack, combined with the taunting howls, moans, and cackles of the cannibals in that scene are sure to get under your skin and leave you brain damaged.

  4. r murder movies horror movies or r they just murder movies?

    1. I would say if there is drama and suspense, then it's horror. Look, Halloween is a dude killing people with a knife, but that's pretty horrifying. I guess that's how I'd figure it.

  5. personally not my favorite genre of movies but i have seen some of them


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