Getting Your Blog a Domain

Did you know you can get your blog a dot com address?  It's $10 a year through Blogger.

Go to your dashboard
Go to "settings"
On the right, click under Publishing for getting a new domain
Now, check the dot com address with your blog's title in it and see if it's available.
Accept terms and go to Google checkout.

This is very nice. It redirects people who simply type in your blog's name to your blog.

Example: My blog is and that will redirect people to my blog.


  1. If you put in your old blogspot link will it also bring you to your page?

  2. I'm not sure I get what you're saying. If you purchase the domain, you could make it say "" and then if anyone types that simple address in, it diverts them to your blog. It just makes it easier for people to find you if they know the name of your blog than to recall a blogspot address. Hope that helps.

  3. oh this is a very good idea i did not know we could purchase a domain through blogger, i may very well do this. thanks for the info :)

  4. I meant like if someone puts in but I have the domain will my readers still be directed to my site if they put in my old link. I signed up after I read that yes they will be re directed to the new domain! :)


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