"Finding Bigfoot" Tonight on Animal Planet

Tonight is "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. They're heading to Ohio.

Y'all know that I do live blogging at 11 pm MST (1 am EST) on "Bigfoot Evidence" blog. Shawn, the host of the blog, gives the blow by blow description and I provide the MST3000 commentary and one sip of beer for every "squatch." The last two weeks, 41 and 49 squatches. I think Matt might be the biggest culprit saying "SAH-squatch" all the time.

You must keep a watch on Cliff Barackman's blog, Northern American Bigfoot where he gives great video commentary about what went down that we didn't see in the show. He is total awesomeness!

Tonight's snack is simple and naughty. I was in the mood for sweets, so I'm giving you the secret to the most decadent treat in the world.  

Reese's Brownies 1 box brownie mix made as directed. Remove from oven when done cooking and while still hot, press mini Reese's cups into the dough about 1" apart. then, let cool and cut between the peanut butter cups. (This recipe can be done with Hershey's Kisses, Mini Mounds, mini Snicker or Milky Ways, but seriously the Reese's are the best).


  1. Hi Autumn! It's snowing here Upstate New York! Been staying inside and watching movies today. Tonight's Finding Bigfoot should be interesting. From the preview clip they showed last week, I think I have seen this video before. It is a very rare sight if it is authentic- a Bigfoot ripping down a small tree. This clip is from Ohio in 2010 and here is the link with expert analysis to boot!

  2. I encourage everyone to watch this video and listen closely to the analysis. It is very convincing stuff. I cannot imagine a human being capable of doing the things captured in this video. And no bear can grab a tree and rip it down with its arms either. Plus, the guy behind the camera acts very naturally. He is scared and nervous and shaky. It all feels like a genuine reaction to being there witnessing this at the time. I really like this video. If its the same one they are reviewing tonight on FB- I am excited to see their conclusions.

  3. i watch finding bigfoor riligiously with my family but it scares the tarnation out of my aunt miss mayella. she says she get nightamers and the heeby jeebys thinking that a monkey with a man face (as she says it)will acost her while she is relaxing with her rhumatism medicine and the mere thought of waking up in a bigfoot cave would surely cause her to die of fright. she is an excentric sort but she has also been known to predict the outcomes of certain events and even predicted the death of chris farley. when we seen tommy boy and she saw how big he was she said he would likely die of heart failure. and he did.

  4. Boise- The one thing that frightens me about Sasquatch is the thought of it reaching in my windows late at night. I think that all is the fault of the Fouke Monster. Ever since seeing that scene in The Legend Of Boggy Creek as a child where the BF reaches in the screen window and grabs the girl sitting on the couch- that thought has frightened me.

    1. So true,that is why my couch is not against a window. LOL

      I really did like what Cliff said about Tim Stover.

  5. I am extremely disappointed in the episode tonight! They dismissed the video so easily and only showed part of it. They did not show the tracks in the snow, the portion where you can hear the tree knocking, or the part with the (BF)? in the tree and the BF on the ground. They didn't even acknowledge the weird "talking noises" captured as the Bigfoot tears the tree down. How can they call they dismiss it so easily without even showing or studying the ENTIRE video????? Once again, the BFRO group does a haphazard job of investigating. Hope that Cliff explains some of this on his blog in the next day or two, because what they showed on tv was real disappointing.

  6. They also did not let Cliff say more than 4 words!! Are the others jealous?

    Autumn you might want to take a drink every 2nd time they say Squatch tonight because in one sentence BoBo says it 4-5 times.Lots of "Squatch" tonight.

    I love the stories of the people.

  7. Oh boy--I better start eating now so I can absorb the beer. Thanks Blondie.

  8. You're welcome. I really enjoy your blogging with Shawn, if I can stay up that late as I'm in EST.

  9. I have more to rant on from this episode... sorry folks.
    So they found the tree that was broken and observed that it was a dead tree and would have been easy to break. Duh! The tree had been laying out in the snow all winter, this was obviously shot in another season altogether- of course it was dead by the team BFRO found it! If you look in the clip taken soon after the incident you can clearly see a healthy ALIVE tree that had literally been torn out by the roots. To uproot it in the 10 seconds or so it took in the video would have taken more strength than a human would have I would think. And if the estimations were right, the BF was a juvenile, smaller than Bobo. If that was a human, it was a child. What child has that strength? Plus, this guy was scared- he had seen two Bigfoots in the trees already and he was close enough to the tree breaking one to be able to tell if it was a person. And what random person would be out in the woods uprooting trees?? If someone was looking for fire wood why not just pick up one of the many fallen trees already on the ground.
    Plus, the wood knocking once the man and his son enter the area- classic Bigfoot communication tool no doubt warning others of the human presence. If there was one bigfoot on the ground, one up in the tree and a third in the area of the tree break- it makes sense they would be signalling each other of the intruder.

    1. Hi Midwestern,

      Did you realize that many reading here have not seen the show yet? I'm in EST and saw it at 10. Autumn and Shawn and others in that area won't see it till 10 PST,11 MST and 1 am EST.

      I think that's why few people are replying to you. Don't mean to offend just wanted to be sure you knew. :)

  10. I was more or less ranting to myself, Blondie- but thanks for the heads up, I did not realize that!

  11. I found out from local Ohio BF site Bigfootresearcher.com that tonight's FB episode was filmed there over three weeks from late September to mid- October 2011. So it definitely proves that the uprooted tree they found had been lying on the ground for around ten months and would of course be very dead and very brittle. In addition they had a small paragraph on filming the segment with Tim Stover: "Tim is shooting right now with the Finding Bigfoot crew. They are doing a re-creation of Tim's 1992 sighting in Salt Fork Ohio. Tim could not say enough good about the production assistant Natalie. She has been in constant contact with Tim, and even went out and got a tree stand. They are in the exact location of the sighting. We are all very happy for Tim. This guy has really put in the hard work. the TV crew: "

    1. He was very nice too. You could feel him get emotional when he was talking about his experience. Well I'm off to Bigfoot Evidence now.

  12. Bed time for me. Goodnight y'all. Nice talking with you in particular, Blondie :)

  13. You to midwestern.

    AUTUMN I am so sorry. I would have sworn on the Bible there were more "Squatches" tonight. I guess what blew me away was the sentence Bobo used about 4 in. Hope you didn't eat too much in preparation. Enjoyed that wit of yours. I laughed more tonight than any before. Good job.

  14. Hey, those aren't Bigfoot feet in that picture! They're not even big, and certainly not hairy!

  15. Too cute and delicate to be Bigfoot!

  16. now i have to admit autum ya have vary cute toes evil smile


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