Feeling Zombie?

It's that change in seasons that for some of us shifted too quickly. Now, we want to burrow in our blankets and not climb out of bed. When we do, every muscle in our body feels stiff and taut. Our appetites increase. We feel a hunger....

Approaching winter solstice is the time of our zombie beings. With sugar comas, mechanical gift hunting, mind-numbing Christmas music, and our transformations are almost complete.

The zombie apocalypse season is upon us. Give in and enjoy your more basic needs getting me; food, sleep and lovin'.

Happy Holidays my delightful zombie friends


  1. you both have a wonderful time and a great holidays mabe ya can give me a birthday greeting on dec 18

  2. I'm sooooooo loving the cold rain. It makes me feel as close to Xmas as AZ gets.


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