GH and FoF Tonight

Okay, okay, I feel like it's almost time for me to just give into laughing it up about FoF like I do Ghost Adventures and starting a drinking game, except it's mid week, so perhaps I should do something else with it... Walking around taking photos with a flashlight in hand? Putting a huge bouncy ball on an uneven floor? Unscrewing a flashlight to talk to the dead? WTF? I swear I'm watching the Tween version of ghost hunting.

Here's the other show that originated such spiffy techniques as unscrewing a flashlight to create intermittent connections....


  1. what would you do for investigation autumn ??

  2. Ghost Hunting Lite: Less filling, tastes great!

  3. mabe we can talk autumn into doing a ghost hunt in bikini smiles (just having fun autumn sorry iff offends ya )

  4. sounds like a fun night! As for me I got MW3 night tonight. AWWWWWW YEAH!!


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