Why Are Ventriloquist Dolls So Spooky?

("Magic" 1978 movie with Anthony Hopkins--horrifying!)

Admit it, If you had to sit alone in a room with a ventriloquist doll, wouldn't you keep your eyes on it? You don't really know what the booger will do when you turn away. What if you turn back and he's not where he's supposed to be? What if he's crept up behind you, tapped on you shoulder? Said your name in that creepy little voice? Oh, you know the voice, nasally and childish, but spoken like a fussy old curmudgeon.

They speak for the ventiloquist--or do they?

If you want to freak out, go overkill on the ventriloquist phobia and immerse yourself in the movie, "Dead Silence" which I believe to be the best ventriloquist doll movie ever!

Just to reinforce the spookiness, remember this video?


  1. they can move their mouth and nothing comes out... we put words into their heads. sometimes they just don't like what we have to say.

  2. I really don't know why they're scary, they just are. "Magic" was very scary! Newer "dummies" aren't as creepifying as the old ones, though.

  3. When I was little, I really wanted a ventriloquist doll... So, my dad got me one.

    Once I opened the package... and saw it... scared me so much... that it got returned instantaneously... no joke.

    You're making it hard for me NOT to have nightmares! IT'S AWESOME!!!!

    Great post!


  4. I blame the twilight zone for making ventriloquist dolls so creepy. lol.

  5. warr309 magic was rally terrfaying i agree say it when it first came out my mom and dad went to drive in

  6. I remember that movie "Magic" - creepy incarnate! Dale's keeping that tradition alive.

  7. Dale is particularly troublesome this October. I've managed to thwart most of his pranks, but the other night, he put honey in my face wash container and I went to wash my face when I was exhausted at the end of the day and dragging honey around my face. I told him that was amateur stuff and he just laughed. I suspect he has something more troubling headed my way. I'm watching him closely until November when he will finally calm down a touch and go back to just being a grumpy curmudgeon.

  8. Did I see cutie Jason Stackhouse in Dead Silent? Their eyes, mouth, and head move. That is just creepy. I don't trust Dale and whenever I sleep over, I keep my eyes on him. Also, I need to know where he is when we take him ghost hunting. I don't want the booger to sneak up behind me and scare the piss out of me in the dark.

  9. warr309 ya never know but he loves ya both what can he do anways ? not like his pranks are r rated bad lol

  10. We found a really cool ventriloquist doll at a vintage shop, but it so freaked out my son, we passed. Mrs. MM still talks about that lost opportunity.


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