Day in Sedona

On our way back from the Bigfoot hunt, a team member and I cut through Sedona and enjoyed a relaxing day of beauty, good food, art fairs and New Age crystal shops.


  1. Was the native American Dance free? :-)

  2. Yeah, Sedona is a crazy fun place, especially in the fall/winter. It's quite magical. Any weekend you go, there's psychic fairs, UFO expos, Native American dancers, Spanish guitarists, art shows.... It's the most incredibly tranquil place. The food is amazing, the hazy patterns of leaf shadows on the babbling creek, the chanting and incense, bells and chimes... I love the place. It's become rather commercial over the years because the New Age factor, but the sights blow people away so much that they slam on their car brakes when they see the spirals of red rock like castles on islands throughout the town. You feel weird there too. I know as a psychic, I have a headache the first day and then after that, I feel like a clean slate that needs to be filled. It's seriously amazing. If you have a chance to go to a spa once in a lifetime--go there! They have theme packages too for things like Chakra alignment, visiting the four vortexes, Native American healing, drum circles, labyrinths....

  3. warr309 you autumn are a wild one

  4. I went to Sedona late this summer, and it was fantastic. Glad to see you enjoyed it as well.

  5. Hey Pensive;
    I try to go every autumn with my gal pals for total insanity including aura photos, psychic reads, vortex visitations, medicine wheels, oh and lots of margaritas.

  6. I LOVE Sedona... I was through there just about a year ago!!!

    I'm jealous!!!



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