Brothers Quay Day!

Brothers Quay are two amazing filmmakers. They give an Old World feel to their work, mechanized like Steampunk, but viciously dark and you feel like you're in the cogs of some other world that you should not be witnessing and if you get caught spying--your eyes will be poked out! I love the use of music and dolls and machinery to make a land that does not exist, except in our darkest dreams. I played this movie against a shed during a Halloween party with a doll display in front of it so the real dolls were part of the movie dolls.

I own a collection of their work on DVD and there is nothing like it for background creepiness while I'm writing horror-perfect mood, feel and music!


  1. Is that "Quay" as in KWAY or KEY? Like, we were walking along the quay (pronounced like 'key') when we saw a huge yacht called 'Black Booty'.

  2. Autumn! … I … ab-so-lute-ly … love the Bros Quay! … Thank you for writing about 'em … I'd seen an all Bros Quay film festival at the Film Forum in NYC, an art house cinema, way back in the '90s … Cathartic, freaky, ambient, creepy, & genius level, their influence has even reached into the independent music scene. Here's the music video of the band His Name Is Alive for their song Are We Still Married?, which, you must admit, is beyond disturbing. I was also told that the band is comprised of people who have all recovered from certain mental illnesses, particularly those in the schizo-affective spectrum. Watch the music video actually drive people at the precipice of sanity … over the edge … Look for your gargoyle seeds this week, Lovie ~ (•8-D

  3. Dang! a scary movie at your place sounds like a whole awesome experience! :D

  4. I love creepy stuff like that cool i'll hafve to look up warr309

  5. "Kway" is the pronunciation. They are just amazing and Street of Crocodiles is the very best--most creepy doll video ever done! It will seriously haunt you long after.


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