Dale's Antics Interrupted & Spirit Halloween Video


  1. i just realized dale's voice is a little feminine, knife in the butt... better in the back. i so want one of those devil babies, but for year round. and last if only i had the body needed to fit into those sexy costumes. do they have a little caesar pizza costume, that is more my body... pizza, pizza.

  2. Those zombie babies are awesome! They had a zombie backpack with one in it and you wear it on the front like a baby snuggly, but then its head turns and he says nasty things like "did you feed the baby?" and it's eyes glow. Haha

  3. Somebody is getting her birthday presents from that store. Dale is a pistol but you already knew that, tee hee.

  4. like i say knives can be picked up. but waking from a nap and finding ya self tied up now that would be scary ..

  5. yea halloween is great all the costumes are great i like seeing some of the kids running around some down right cute other make ya do dubble take (last year i got to see a baby luke skywalker and his parents wer dressed up as wokie and mom was liea complet with the jiggly action from the move( love ya carrie fisher ) hahahaha)


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