Blogger is Being a Bia-tch Again!

Anyone else having trouble adding gadgets to their blog? When I hit the save button--zippo, nada, nothing! I complained on the forum, but that's like screaming into the wind. I was hoping someone else might know what's afoot.


  1. It's Mercury Retrograde!! I was tearing my hair out the other day trying to put a Facebook gadget on my blog. It took 2 days but it finally worked!

    Facebook, in general, is playing up as well. It's Mercury Retrograde I tells ya!!

  2. Mercury Retrograde, gremlins... and spam apparently!

  3. Haha "and spam apparently" :) Yeah, Mercury Retrograde is no fun!

  4. Welcome to my blogger frustrations .
    As I had told you via email. Part of the reason for bailing the last time (and trying new things) was because of Blogger bullshit issues. It sucks the life out of you when posting , and things like recent post listing ,and follower links disappearing , and countless other shit happening . You start to ask the question why bother anymore with Blogger ?
    I'm back , and I am going to try to deal .
    Hope you have better luck.
    Oh , and Dale is a TALKING LOG !

  5. Knowing this blog, it's probably the ghost in the machine.

  6. Hey Evel; did Dale start following you? I can't account for what the booger does when I'm sleeping. Hee hee. They did correct their issues, thankfully. They need to hire a bigger team, I'm thinking. Sometimes, it's like a bunch of kids sticking their fingers in a dyke and it's about to blow.

    Yes, the ghost in the machine. I like that explanation. Time to exorcise, I guess.

  7. I tried commenting (from my phone) on my own blog and was rejected. No response or reason. The comment just didn't show up. Eff blogger.

  8. Here I thought it was lack of computer skills...

  9. Yeah. Blogger is still fucking people over on the followers thing and on commenting. I hope they hire some real brains to help out.


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