Outdoor Hauntings

We talk a lot about hauntings in buildings. Why would a haunting be relegated to just a structure? As a child, we had a woman screaming at our creek, a soldier wandering the thicket near the creek and a large dazed-looking African American male who wandered the grounds.

Some of the most creepy and scary haunted places are outdoors. You don't believe me? Let's review some of the best of the outdoors hauntings:

Gettysburg Battlefields (Pennsylvania):
July 1-3, 1863: Between 46,000 to 51,000 men died. Much has been reported here including apparitions, soldier units marching, gunfire, voices, and cannonball sounds. Of all outdoor haunted locations, this one has more photographic evidence, both still and video. For many, if you were to go to one outdoor location and want a "guaranteed" experience, the battlefields of Gettysburg provide.

"Suicide Forest" (Aokigahara, Mt. Fuji, Japan): You might have seen this one on "Destination Truth." This intensely thick forest, that most people get very lost inside of (on the base of Mt. Fuji) is also a popular place for people to go to off themselves. Besides the creepy artifacts one can find there left behind by those who camped before they died, there are reports of full body apparitions and voices, moaning, and crying.

Forest Clearing (Hoia-Baciu, Romania):
Another fantastic episode of "Destination Truth" covered this strange circular clearing in the woods of Romania where one of the crew members was tossed and his arm scratched up. They found no logical reason why there were no trees in this one circle in the forest. Strange lights were seen within the trees and women's voices. The man thrown said it felt like some kind of force swooped down and hit him full blast, sending him sprawling. He had scratches on his arm that was covered by a sleeve. Another crew member got sick to his stomach. These were things reported there before. In fact, it was such a great location, DT is going back there next season--yahoo! Hopefully this time, they won't fly in a plane that loses its roof as they are landing.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery (Illinois):

This quaint countryside cemetery was actually once a favorite place for families to visit with the pond and the quiet beauty. Much is reported but not supported about colored lights, a phantom car, ghosts. Many tall tales of the history of this site and what happened there were passed down like urban legends and have since been disputed by historians. Whether or not this cemetery is haunted, it's certainly accepted as haunted by the tales that are perpetuated.

("Doll Island" (Mexico):
This location was the home of a man who felt that a girl who drowned in the canal near his land haunted the place. He placed dolls around to appease her and, over the decades, more and more dolls were added until the entire island was decorated with them. This was also a location for "Destination Truth." It was chilling and spine-tingling. I would love to do this to a backyard. It's hard to tell if there is genuine haunting here, as the land is privately owned, but DT's episode had some interesting stuff happening.

New on my POE research site, EVPs and Sound.

***Don't forget, tonight is Lonely on a Friday Night here***


  1. There is no way in heck you can get me to go into that forest. lol.

  2. There is this lake in Oklahoma City popular with boaters and families taking a picnic and folks flying model airplanes, etc... Well, if you venture off the beaten path too walk the trails around it, you find the detritus of drug users and the discarded tissues of other "activities". Anyway, I used to ride my bike all around this lake when I lived nearby. Now, all the trash left behind was an eyesore, but what disturbed me more was how many times I would find a woman's purse (with ID, etc. inside), undergarments, etc... Now, maybe some drug using sex fiends were forced to bolt out of their too quickly to worry about their purses, but part of me wonders if something more tragic didn't happen.

  3. As a psychic, I'd be real curious to read that, but I would suppose that'd be something to call the cops about. We used to have woods around my childhood estate that were owned by George Mason University and in the 60s/70s, the pot smokers would take to the woods and sit along the path with their long hair puffing away. As a kid, it was really creepy. I'm sure nothing good happened there. Upon occasion, I ran into someone sprinting through the woods naked. Oh those damn hippies!

  4. Me and the Beau are planning a trip to Gettysburg hopefully end of summer beginning of fall. He's been in the past but it's been many, many years. I've never been! There is an awesome video that a family took in the early evening/dusk that we watch and it just gives me major chills! I can't wait to visit here! I'll try and find the video and post it.

    Oh, and Sis....don't you think Dale would be in H-E-A-V-E-N at that place in Mexico? LOL Sick little Creepy McCreeperson!

  5. Yeah, Dale on Doll Island--that would be like the Club Med for him. Jeez! No telling what dolly diseases he'd bring back. hee hee
    Gettysburg is amazing and I often say that everyone has psychic feelers, but they don't always understand how they work for them. Everyone I've ever known has felt it at Gettysburg. No matter how "dead" you think your psychic senses are, they come to life immediately. When I was a kid we lived not far from Bull Run and it had a very similar feeling to it.

  6. I'm really intrigued by your tales of where you grew up. I've seen you reference it elsewhere, have you written about your experiences on here? Is the house still standing?

  7. The house is standing. You know, you make me want to write about it again. On the bottom right hand side of the blog, you'll see some pics of it from long ago. Many of the stories are on the tab "Ghost stories" above. I just heard from the owner today, in fact. She sent a lovely picture I should share. My family had a pact to haunt it and my father, mother, sister, brother and dear family friend who all vowed, have passed on. I want to do back there with a production team to film the event and do a hunt there. That would be the ultimate since the knew I was going to go there to look for them. I love my readers. Y'all always give me great ideas for posts. I think I'll put up a post this next week putting Aspen Grove into one good nighttime story.

  8. Something I was reading caused me to remember a trip home from Southern Illinois when i went with my Dad... I can't recall if the cemetery is in Southern Illinois, Kentucky, or NorthWest Tennessee, but it's full of statues of the family who lived and is buried there... I would love to see that again...


  9. Oh, that sounds chilling. I'll see if I can find it online again, but I once found a picture of a cemetery in the woods and one of the graves was protected over by an army of male statues. It looked chilling in the dark woods.

  10. I love the story of doll island, looked it up and read a little more on it, I think I need to go for a visit


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