"Cropsey" Best Documentary Ever!

When I first heard about this documentary, I got goosebumps, a premonition that I would love this thing! I am a documentary snob! I want a 24/7 speculation/paranormal documentary channel!!! I can sit and watch them all day on a day off. But, this particular documentary caught my attention because it covered everything from childhood, small towns, and secrets.

Staten Island was a dumping ground of trash and mob bodies, the location of a TB clinic and a gigantic mental institute where children with deficiencies were sent. The conditions were horrendous and a young Geraldo Rivera uncovered it on the news. The place shut down, but some of the tenants still lurked around the over 300 acres and in the tunnels under the buildings. Children in the neighborhoods of Staten Island went missing in the 70s and 80s. A man was arrested, a very troubled, very dark man.

A man and a woman who grew up on Staten Island grew up with the tales of a man called "Cropsey" who supposedly stole children and killed them in horrible ways. It was a legend that kept children in line. But, these two decide to go in search of the legend and uncover the abandoned buildings of the mental hospital, the woods in which this evil man lived like a wild thing, and the truth behind his murder trial and the witnesses around the case.

This documentary is part urban legend, part scary abandoned mental asylum, part murder mystery. It's very well done and very disturbing and you will not look away for one minute, I promise.

I've always had a dream goal of being a published writer and a documentarian. This documentary reignited my desire to do documentaries and so I am going to try my hand at some documentary shorts relating to the abandoned and haunted places and ghost towns I explore. Expect to see this influence evolve on my blog.


  1. I know several people who would have lived on Staten Island at the time. I will have to aske them all about this....

  2. Wow, and I thought Gary Busey was creepy...

  3. freaky, i'll check it out.

  4. I promise you won't be disappointed. Wow! I would kill to do a documentary with that amount of creepy content.

  5. i volunteer to work in those places to Help people.

  6. There is also a Cropsey Avenue in Brooklyn and The Weinsteins who had some writing credit on the movie The Burning grew up in NY. The guy who gets burned and comes back for revenge is named Cropsey. I liked the Doc and found it interesting. I also like that they make the viewer decide if he was guilty or wrongfully convicted and not shove one side down your throat.

  7. Hey guys, thanks for the awesome comments! We're glad you enjoyed Cropsey and don't worry, he won't come for you!...unless you don't like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/CROPSEY/79662920621

    Or our Twitter (@cropseylegend)
    Cropsey is out on DVD and is now available on iTunes as well, so anyone who hasn't had a chance to see it should really check it out!

  8. Best documentary EVER? Stretchin' it just a little with that statement, to say the least. Unorganized, disjointed, and the same footage used over and over and...

    If this was handed in as a 12th grade English project -- C+, MAYBE (if I was feeling generous).

  9. It said "This video private". :(


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