Could the very fact we focus our attention on him, actually work against our chances of finding this creature?
When I was doing my research for the haunted formula, I found that haunted locations are almost always near a train track. It made me wonder, “is there a correlation?” I decided it was an incidental finding because the older buildings, that more likely to have had lots of generations and history in them and more likely to be haunted, were built long ago when homes and towns were located around train tracks for movement of goods and transportation. I could not find a reason to correlate it, except it just happened old places were in old towns that were train station-based.
I find that Bigfoot seems to show up in America in the areas of Reservations quite often (California, Florida, Arizona, et cetera), amazingly so. Is this incidental? Is it because the most untouched nature is owned by the tribes who protect the land? Or is it something else?
When African Natives lived with Great Apes in Africa, they had tales of the creature, but they didn't encroach on his territory. There was a mutual respect for the “other native.” It was an unspoken cohabitation that made it possible for them both to enjoy the land without threat or disruption.
Native tribes in the Americas have had a reverence for the BF creature with ancient art work portraying the beast and sometimes even customs and rules should one run into a BF, such as not looking him in the face.
Let's make an assumption that BF is closer to us on the family tree, as he made the transition to full-time upright. He hasn't shown evidence of being particularly spooked or twitchy like apes, as far as scrambling up a tree, or rushing back in fear when encountering humans. So, he walks upright, he's more intelligent than an ape.
Now, let's make the next correlation.
Do BF and the ancient tribes have a sort of spiritual understanding in their cohabitation? The tribes don't dig up roadways and put in smokestacks and generally corrupt BF's homeland. Unlike state parks, there aren't hikers, bicyclists, and campers traipsing through their gardens. Nor, do Native Americans go pursuing him in the woods.
If you were a less intelligent, but large human being with animal-like tendencies living in America, wouldn't the protected forests and the respectful inhabitants on the Reservations beckon to you as a safe haven if you found that the only humans there, stay to their place within and don't encroach on your hideaway? Might you have found a safe guardian?
Could it be that BF, with his higher level of intelligence, might understand that where the Native people are, so are safe havens? Could Native Americans be a sort of guardian protector of the creature?
As a psychic, I can tell you that intention is a huge part of psychic's abilities. We can sense when intention is upon us. Could BF be particularly good at evading us because of his perhaps more advanced psychic abilities versus his cognitive reasoning? Would this explain why BF hunts are doomed to fail? Why when we go looking for him, we can't find him? Why when we least expect to stumble across him, we meet his path?
Could the very fact we focus our attention on him, actually work against our chances of finding this creature?
This is something to consider.
Make me wonder if Bigfoot is a sort of shadow person.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. I think it's intriguing that BF and the Natives came to America across the land bridge and seemed to settle into the same places which says a possible symbiosis or simply finding the best locales for food supplies and shelter. Their needs were probably pretty similar.
ReplyDeletei think my assumptions may sound shady but there is truth behind. The results of searches were always disappinting. There have been number of expeditions mounted all over the world including the ambitious effort in 1954 by London Daily Mail led by Ralph Izzard. And nothing has been found yet.
ReplyDeleteI've always found the accounts interesting, that the people who run across BF, are not thinking about him, not looking for him, and yet the ones who try to find him, just can't.
ReplyDeleteI think looking for ghosts is like trying to see your blind spot - the harder you look, the less you see. And I think native Americans knew that.
ReplyDeleteOr Bigfoot, for that matter.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Just look at us single women. The more we search for a man, the harder they are to find; the more we get engaged in our lives and distracted, the more attractive we appear. But, isn't in the male DNA to feel that the harder the "kill" the better the hunter?
ReplyDeleteI guess there's something to the idea of a harder-fought battle making for a more rewarding victory. (Nothing good comes easy, as they say)
ReplyDeleteYes, and men are built to be hunters, so you make it too easy and they consider you a "snack" while they're waiting for their "meal" (which takes true pursuit and mastery).
ReplyDeleteThe mature doe is a master of survival and a far greater trophy than a yearling fawn.
ReplyDeleteBut sometimes hunters are just lazy, going for the easy kill instead of improving their skills, and that hunger can be a distracting disadvantage in that regard.
So insightful.
DeleteAwww... (Blush) Dang! There goes my camo!
ReplyDeleteI never considered ol' BF had a 6th sense. It'd make sense.
ReplyDeleteI am sure they know were he is at!!
ReplyDeleteHi Sis, This is a good argument. As a pretty decent Animal Empath, I can personally tell you that my animals freaking know what's on my mind before I even approach them! Let me NEED to "catch" them for any reason, and I have barely thought it and gotten off my couch and they will see me coming and bolt (especially the cats)! LOL Little shits! They can read my mind, so why would we be so bold to think that BF couldn't do the same thing? LOL They sense someone is trying to "catch" them, be it literally or with photos and they too BOLT! I'm also Indian (Native American if you want to be politically correct) as you know, and I can see why BF would find refuge among reservations and areas of the like because lets face it, Indians are more in tune with nature, preserving nature and respecting it because that's one of the most important things that is taught in the culture. Just my two cents!
ReplyDeleteExcellent points. The fact is that on a psychic level, the more spiritual native people and the BF would be attuned to each other, at one with their environment. They have to be attuned to the nature around them, it's vital they both be aware of the most subtle of changes and the presence of another animal whose attentions are upon them, studying them. You're very right about animals. I have tons of bunnies around my apartment, they're everywhere. When I'm working, I stop sometimes at my desk which is at the window and study them. The minute I stare at one, he lifts his head (back to me) and darts off. I do this every single day and the minute I study them, they run off, even without seeing my eyes upon them. It's not a coincidence. I can feel them sensing my intentions upon them.