Mexican UFOs, Aliens, Starchild, Flying Humanoids, Oh My!

I just cannot freaking give this subject up. Something about Mexico calls to me and it's not white sandy beaches, Margaritas or authentic cuisine, it's the freaking alien/UFO thing connection.

I am always stumbling across things from Mexico that make me feel like it's not just a bunch of separate events and situations, but is all connected.

Mexico's geology is awesome for weirdness. There really is a connection with the freakiest shit in the world and an ore-rich soil. Here's some things that put Mexico in my curiosity/theory radar scope:

Mass UFO sightings. The ones in Mexico are some of the best.

Flying Humanoids. These look like a humanoid hovering, flying as if it has a jet pack. They have been seen mostly over Mexico and the Southwest.

Dead alien carcass. Farmer kills a tiny alien by drowning it in an irrigation canal, taking hours for it to drown. It's body is studied by the team at Monsterquest. It's skeleton is like a lizard, its teeth do not have roots like a human, it's brain was huge, it had joints like a human.

Starchild Skull. This bizarre skull was found in Mexico in 1930. The misshappen skull was so deformed that it caused wonder. Studying it created a bigger puzzle, it wasn't just a deformed skull, it had no sinuses, the proportions were all wrong, the neck inserted in the wrong way, and the very material of the 900-year-old skull was strangely woven. DNA proved a human mother but some DNA that could not be correlated with any of the races of the earth.

Okay, my brain hurts. Theories anyone???


  1. All the cool alien stuff always happens in mexico. lol.

  2. Yeah, they do seem to have their share of shit, but then remember, America has Montauk Monster, Chupacabra, Mothman, Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, Phoenix Lights...well, you get it. I might just need to do a post on America's freakiness.

  3. I'll have to admit I've been watching a bunch of episodes of ExtraNormal ( on the Spanish station lately.

  4. Haha. Pangs, buddy, I found that show too! I stopped and was trying to keep up with it. If they put the Spanish in writing, I can understand it better, but when they speak it, I'm like "Hell, this language is so bad, even they sound like they have trouble pronouncing it." I transcribe Middle Eastern and Chinese doctors with no sweat, but Hispanic doctors--I can't understand a word of it. What is up with that?? The show looks pretty cool, but I get frustrated after a while because I find the language so distracting. I'm definitely not a linguist.

  5. you know america is melting pot and us illegals shouldn't be seen unsimpathetic and demonized because of

  6. bU;
    Hee hee. Yes! Perhaps there should be amnesty for Chuppie?


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