Super Moon


  1. Thanks for posting! It's overcast tonight, here; again. :(

  2. It was gorgeous and we had a cloudy day, but it cleared just at the last moment!

  3. It was a beauty rising over the trees here in the PNW.

  4. I was shocked when it came up over the desert hill with the sage bushes blocking it. Took my breath away!

  5. Down here it was absolutely magnificent. At first, it crept up the side of the valley ringed by rain forest and all the animals went absolutely bonkers.

  6. I heard a few coyotes howl. My place faces a desert preserve and it's on a hill so I saw it coming up between some sage bushes, the coyotes howling. It was so peach colored and huge (peach no doubt from the dust that lays in the air here). I did stand naked in front of it. I just had to! There's something so liberating about that.

  7. I've been moonbathing before...

    If it weren't for the myriad of critters and bugs here, I would have done so myself. But two words pretty much prevent me from doing that here in any other location besides the beach: Bot Flies


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