Ghost App's: It's a New World

Just because I personally shun cell phones, I know that about 99% of you have them, so here's some interesting app's that might just brighten you day and make you wonder.

Blackberry App “Ghost Radar” This one spits out words that so far from people I've spoken with, freaked them out. It wasn't your usual stuff like random words that happen to fit like "happy" or "sunshine," but very specific words. I'm into signs and sometimes I think it's just cool to get a random word and see how everything in our world applies.

"Ghost Capture" for Iphone & Ipad: Create realistic paranormal photo manipulations.

“Ghost Radar” for Droids:
This has graphs to let you know if you're near ghosts—not based on EMF or other measures.

“Ghost Radar” for Iphone: Ghost Radar uses the iPhone/iTouch sensors to measure the “quantum fluctuations” surrounding you. The application will interpret this readout as blips on your screen, but also in numeric, text, graphical, and audio ways as well.


  1. Do I see an Autumnforest App in your future? I'd buy a gadget just to get that one!

  2. LOL! Great minds... I had a similar post last year: where I talk about another one that is like the ghost equivalent to the restaurant finder app. It shows you want haunted places are nearby.

  3. It won't be long before Zak will be using them on their ghost hunts. You and I need to invent a road trip app for us.... oh wait, they probably have that, lol.

  4. Eric;
    An Autumnforest app? It would no doubt be an excite voice on the phone saying "stop here, let me out--there's an abandoned building. Cover for me, okay? Our excuse is that I thought it was an historic site and I wanted a photo of it."

    I am never surprised. I swear, you and I do this often--I am the girl version of you, I do believe. We think a lot alike. The day you do tank top shots for Fact or Faked, though, we might have mind locked too many times.

    Yeah, ours would be the one above I gave Eric. It could be filled with my excuses for being in abandoned buildings. "We're thinking of buying the property." "My mom said she grew up on this road and I wanted a picture of the building and this fits the description." "We thought we saw someone inside."

  5. It is fun to use just with friends somwhere in the woods. Something tells me is says I am Sam a lot.

  6. This might actually make a good post, what app would best fit you?

  7. I do see a lot of people walking around with their phones like a dowsing rod of sorts. I am still convinced that they are just letting bursts of random cell traffic or AM band chatter out, but that is just me.

    Sounds like the Autumnforest app should have a "security/police proximity" warning and leave the ghost-hunting to other more specific items!

  8. RR;
    I have to admit that the ghost hunting tools are next to useless, so I'd keep my apps to knowing police proximity--smart idea. I have to roll my eyes every time I'm out somewhere and someone is walking around with their phone to their ear. Like when in the past were you grocery shopping and you simply had to talk to someone that badly? You never would have seen that person on the phone at the front of the store that you pay a quarter for chatting away. It's like people are afraid of being alone anymore. They are half present in their environment and half present to the person on the phone. They're in mental purgatory.

  9. I just want an app with real-time mapping of reported activity as it happens. The user end can be a pic of a big red button. Smash it at the appropriate time. Fill in the details later.

  10. Pangs;
    That'd be especially cool if they had UFO ones, but you'd have to be locked onto your phone all the time to see if anyone in your area saw a UFO. I have to admit, IF I did a cell phone, I'd probably want something that lets me know what restaurants and hotels and museums, etc, where I am are noted to be haunted. It could make the decision when traveling where to go and stay and eat.

  11. I love this app. I posted some of the pictures I took with this app on my blog. They are a hoot.

  12. ooh, i'll check it out, hee hee.

  13. Interesting. I didn't know you shunned cell phones. I did know about these apps. I have them on my iPod. The one ghost radar one is nuts. It spits out random words in addition to showing you "ghost bleeps." I was goofing off with it just the other day outside while I was watching Murph sunbake on the lawn. It showed really strong presences outside and the words were ones that were sort of relevant to me and loved ones I've lost. That's never happened with that thing before. It sort of tripped me out.


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