Julie and I's books "Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition)" is now on Amazon and can be downloaded to your Droid, IPAD, computer or Kindle. It will be coming up soon on Nook, as well. Feel free to use the button on the right-hand side if you want to purchase it. It's just 2.99. I performed psychic reads of abandoned places and Julie photographed them. The results are haunting, as you get inside the heads of 12 strangers.
I figured I cover movies and music and I should do more covering books that I recommend. Everyone has books for different needs. I will try to fulfill those needs by telling you of some of my favorites that I keep. Now, I'm a Virgo and by nature, I like organization and less possessions, so I keep it simple. I love ebooks for the convenience of being able to read a trendy book cheaply and not have to keep it or rush it over to the used bookstore to haggle its worth. Here are books for my moods:
"I want an enlightened perspective"
"The New Guide to Rational Living" by Albert Ellis, PhD and Robert Harper, PhD. This book was the single greatest influence on my entire life. It taught me how to think rationally and have rational emotions. It stopped me from getting in my own way.
"The Feeling Good Handbook" by David Burns, M.D. This book was the "Bible" I used for my self-help group. Whether it's social anxiety, OCD, depression, panic, generalized anxiety or even anger issues, this book will set you straight for life.
"Minding the Body: Mending the Mind" by Joan Borysenko, PhD. A brilliant book that explains just how much your inner dialogue determines your body's physiology.
"You'll See It When You Believe It" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. You've probably seen this bald-headed smiling hippie-like happy dude on PBS. He is much more than that. He can do a mind fuck on your so big-time that you leave realizing that you are the thing keeping you from happiness and opening yourself up to experiences and love makes the world return the favor. It's karmic and it's true.
"Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I love this book. It's really for those of us who meditate but anyone who wants to just get that state of mind, it's truly enlightening.
"I want some paranormal sex"
(I am presently finishing writing a dark erotica anthology of stories about paranormal sex written from the male point of view and hope to have that up some time this summer on ebooks. Not enough people write about good dark sex, but these two romance novels were for those of us adults who like the idea of Twilight but it was way too light and teenaged)
"After Midnight" by Teresa Medeiros
"The Vampire Who Loved Me" by Teresa Medeiros
(Read in that order. Two sisters, one vampire hunter, one vampire)
"I want to get scared and totally creeped out"
"Hunt for the Skinwalker" by Kelleher and Knapp. This is probably my favorite and it stuck with me so much and creeped me out so much that I was enthralled and re-read it every chance I get. It's a supposedly "true" story about a portal that shows up on a ranch in NE Utah that lets out UFOs, Bigfoot, shapeshifters and poltergeists.
"Ghost" By Katherine Ramsland. This investigator is well known in the forensic psychology field, but in this story, she goes in search of the paranormal world to see if the ring she got from a dead vampire leads to ghosts. It's one woman's venture into the world of paranormal and some dangerous investigations in the vampire world that keeps you on edge. You have no idea what she will find. Very riveting reading.
"I want to read about all things paranormal and be informed"
"Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghostbuster" by Anna Maria Prezio. I love this book because I do believe very much in feng shui principles helping or hurting hauntings. This is really informative and sweet at the same time.
"Paranormal World" Gregory Branson-Trent. Great reference for stories and knowledge about all things paranormal.
"Unsolved Mysteries" Damon Wilson. Good reference for all things paranormal.
"The Physics of the Paranormal" by Kenneth W. Behrendt. Makes you really think about what we know in physics and don't in relation to the paranormal world.
"Weird US" by Moran and Sceurman. This is just plain fun. All the freaky shit in the US including urban legends.
"The Human Antenna" by Robin Kelly. Really makes you think what our minds our capable of.
"I want to see beautiful dark things"
"Beautiful Death" by Robinson & Koontz. This is my very favorite coffee table (or should that be coffin table) book. Gorgeous and riveting scenes from gothic cemeteries around the world and statuary that would make you weep.
"Labyrinths" by Virginia Westbury. Photographed labyrinths around the world. I am crazy about laybrinths!!!
Paranormal sex?
ReplyDeleteMDIAS; It's just a cut above the human kind.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to cover music?
ReplyDeleteBy who, The Grateful Dead? The Zombies? Rob Zombie? (LOL!)
Interesting list! I wonder how much feng shui has to say about issues of perception? It stands to reason that the organisation of a space can cause discomfort too, but to what extent could this be responsible for intimations of the supernatural? Something to ponder.
ReplyDeleteAny books you'd recommend for All Hallow's Eve? ;)
ReplyDeleteI usually listen to moody creepy background music when writing like Nox Arcana. There some great rather dark musicians too like Muse.
I am incorporating the practice of feng shui into my spirit vessels book. Over time, myself and other investigators have noticed that activity follows pathways that humans take like roads, paths in the cemetery, hallways. As well, circular buildings like lighthouses seem to hold energy in a constant spiral. I actually advise people first to do a little rearranging in their home before they determine if the activity remains.
HN; The best books for Halloween are the classically horrifying ones, "The Exorcist," "The Haunting of Hill House," and "Amityville Horror."
You can write your version of The Pillow Book... There's a weird movie by Peter Greenaway with great cinematography though, it has simultaneously few screens playing like layers.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds marvelous!
Some of these sound like good reads, I'll be sure to grab one or two of them when I'm at the library.
ReplyDeleteThey won't disappoint :-)
the book list sounds good. I keep forgetting to get "Hunt for the Skinwalker" I'm craving a good creep out.
ReplyDeleteHunt for the Skinwalker is one scary book. I didn't sleep for a night after reading it.