"Battle LA": I'm Stoked For This Movie!

("Battle LA" comes out on March 11th)

I'm excited about this. There just aren't enough good alien movies out there. I think filmmakers are scared of the budget costs and special effects. This looks pretty sweet! Here's the site. They even have an interactive game. They also have this super cool site that has eyewitness encounters with UFOs over the decades and more.

I'm curious to think what y'all think once you check out this trailer!


  1. Not being a huge sci-fi/alien fan, so I'll wait till DVD.

  2. HN;
    I admit, I'm not a UFO/alien type either and Independence Day kind of made me nod off and I despised that godawful District 9. This one looks like it takes you by the balls and flings you around a bit. I've been having repeat nightmares about aliens coming and invading and this movie looks a helluva lot like my dreams. I'd like to explore that scenario from a theater seat--nice and safe.

  3. The effects look a bit transformer-ish. Let's hope the plot and dialog aren't as bad.

  4. This does look good. Since I don't get out to the theater much these days, I will wait until it comes out on DVD.

  5. I have no one to go see the movie with (frown). I will probably wait for DVD too. I admit, I am put off by too much CGI. I am definitely of the anti-CGI bend, but this movie looks so much like my end-of-world alien dreams I'm having that I'm curious. I never really care what the hell the aliens are doing. I'm always wanting to see these movies to show what we're made of in such times.

  6. I think the Aliens can have L.A..
    Not sure , but I think they already own it.

  7. Freaking hell, Max! I have to admit, I was going to say that I lived in LA and they can have it. I might save Venice Beach--it's a fun freak show. Hee hee

  8. By far the best trailer in some time.

  9. I don't really like that many Sci Fi movies. It's difficult to suspend belief. I know movies are movies but if you are going to do fantasy, I prefer going to extremes like flying dragons and stuff.

  10. I am pumped to see this movie. I love these kind of films. The sad part is that I missed it in the local theaters, I didn't even know it was on. Disappointed, since the theaters around me have already ran the movie, I'll have to wait until it hits bluray....


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