What Scares Me?

People have asked me this many times, doesn't ghost hunting scare you? What does scare you?

The things that scare me in the world of ghost hunting are not your usual culprits. I am thrilled, aroused, excited by dark places, creaky buildings, moving shadows, voices, breathing, being touched by the unseen. It is all my playground.

What scares me is more real-world. I don't like heights. I have a vertigo/depth perception screw-up in my head that just makes me very uneasy. I fear running into people alone in sites or perhaps even being picked up by the police if it ends up being a no trespassing place that I did not see a sign posted on. I worry about getting lost, breaking down, getting bit by a rattlesnake or chased by killer bees.

There is nothing in the paranormal world that can possibly make me fearful because my self explanatory style is not one that includes concepts like devil, demons, possession or evil.

I admit to occasionally being startled when something loud occurs nearby or if I feel something pull at my hair when I was having a quiet moment. That's not really fear, but self preservation. I can be left alone in a very creepy place and I find it to be exciting. I like the darkness, the unknown and I invite something to show itself to me when I am vulnerable. I need that personal experience to verify my prior experiences. I look for patterns, similar situations, similar timing, if it's reacting to me or independently of what I am doing. I seek answers. My curiosity helps me break through any apprehension.

There is also a romantic side of me that not only grew up in a haunted house, but the formal gardens, woods, and boxwood mazes, arbors, out buildings, orchards and fields. I find myself loving the darkness, exploring, dank places, and pushing myself to be alone with it, alone with any thoughts that might dance through my head. I am what some call counterphobic because I tend to do that which would make me uneasy in hopes that I would become comfortable with it. I pushed the envelope with sitting alone in secluded dark scary places so much that they seem almost meditative, as if I find myself in such places surrounded by old things, crumbling things, musty smells, pinging and creaking sounds and the unknown.

What are some places I would like to test my mettle and sleep all night?

A castle dungeon
The suicide forest at Mt. Fuji
An Egyptian Pyramid
A prison cell on Alcatraz
A mental hospital electroconvulsant therapy room

Oh, I'd take any place that would allow me that has a reputation, an atmosphere, an eeriness. The only thing I have to fear is my own thoughts and those are in order. I don't let my mind dance down dark halls filled with "what if's?" Instead, it dances down dark halls filled with "I hope!"


  1. Totally with you on that fear of heights (it's one of the most common fears), but I love roller coasters - go figure!

    I can't think of any place I wouldn't spend the night, except perhaps for places that would be extremely uncomfortable - too cold, etc.

  2. Bubba;
    Yeah, I hiked to 11K feet one time to a glacial lake and I frozen my ass off, was up the entire night. That was a nightmare and a horror. I actually like rollercoasters and get this--I'm fine going down in airplanes, down in escalators and down in glass elevators, but I hate going up. Something about the perspective of leaving the ground freaks me, but going down, I an can look and I'm just fine. It's very weird. The minute the plane begins to descend, I'm cozy and happy. When it takes off, I'm a freaking mess.

  3. Maybe you're just scared of getting closer to Heaven? (LOL!)

    But everybody's got their quirks.

  4. What on earth can scary you in the real world if you do all these exciting ghost hunts. Real world is just physics.

  5. Bubba;
    Yeah, well, I'm an earth sign--Virgo, maybe that's it, huh?

    Echo, you freaking make me smile every time you leave a comment. Yes, very true, dear. This is all the explainable stuff but a ghost would never seriously hurt me, but a freak with a gun in an abandoned site just might, so those physics I'm not so keen on.

  6. Bubba;
    Yeah, well, I'm an earth sign--Virgo, maybe that's it, huh?

    Echo, you freaking make me smile every time you leave a comment. Yes, very true, dear. This is all the explainable stuff but a ghost would never seriously hurt me, but a freak with a gun in an abandoned site just might, so those physics I'm not so keen on.

  7. Bubba;
    Yeah, well, I'm an earth sign--Virgo, maybe that's it, huh?

    Echo, you freaking make me smile every time you leave a comment. Yes, very true, dear. This is all the explainable stuff but a ghost would never seriously hurt me, but a freak with a gun in an abandoned site just might, so those physics I'm not so keen on.

  8. I'm afraid of snakes, spiders, zombies, and commitment.

  9. Looks like your comments have the hiccups.

    Overcame my fear of heights by going to the roof of a 44 story office building under construction in downtown PDX. Had to take photos for PR purposes - a topping out ceremony. When it didn't kill me to be up so high, I guess I just got over it. However, I am so with you on the whole snake thing. Too unpredictable.

  10. Okay, y'all, I do not stutter. Google has a problem with me lately. Whenever I post a comment, it likes to repeat it 3, 4, 10 times. God, what an ass pain! I wish they'd get their sh-it together.

    Any woman would say, there's no hope for you if you're afraid of commitment. Lost cause, dear.

    I used to regularly go to heights to try to get over it, even rapelled down a mountain and climbed a mountain. It still doesn't help. You should see me at the Grand Canyon. I can be standing 50 feet away from the edge and walk like I'm Steve Martin as one of the Wild and Crazy Guys. I really believe it's some kind of visual issue with depth perception. I lost the ability to discern near and far things and they blend together for me. Guess I'm not walking on that sky bridge at the Grand Canyon any time soon.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. All my phobias are "irrational hatreds" rather than "irrational fears".

  13. Bror;
    I would suspect you would not be afraid of heights. Fear of amnesia, interesting one. I have facial amnesia. When I am not around anyone I know, I cannot picture their face in the least, even my own. When I see them, I recognize them, but I cannot see a visual in my mind. Strange, huh? I am a freak, dear, but you still love me big brother, right? The mold issue is being dealt with and I am pleased by the degree with which they are going at it. Now, to recoup for the things I had to toss out.

  14. Sorry, Sis', wrong hyperlink minutes ago, hence the deletion. Google might repeat-perform certain of your postings, but it seems it keeps thing clicked-on in my mouse that aren't overridden from elsewhere & then end up incongruously hyperlinked. Feh. Anywho, I have amnesiphobia. I'm a person who's afraid of losing his memory. Or my imagination. What's that called, I wonder. And I hope that that black mold problem gets fixed.

    Not afraid of heights,

  15. Yeah, prosopagnosia. Whoa. I never thought, ever, that you'd've had that one. More people, I'm finding, do have it. I think that it goes back to some trauma in early life, though, rather than a neuro-difference like, say, the synesthesia that we conferred over & each have to varying degrees. Then again, what do I Gno? Laters, Autumn ~ (•8-D

  16. I don't have a fear of heights but when I'm unsecured I then have a fear. As long as there is a rail or something I'm fine.

  17. Sis, we obviously separated at birth AGAIN! LOL I hate heights. Well, let me clarify. I don't mind heights if I am enclosed. I can climb all the way up in a lighthouse, but I can't get out on the walkway because I want to jump! Seriously! I get the overwhelming sensation that I NEED to jump! My ex took a picture of me at the Tybee Island Lighthouse in GA hugging the wall. I tried to come out, but just couldn't. So I was able to step out just outside the doorway and hug the wall for a picture. I was done!

    I love rollercoasters, but the ride up the initial hill scares the crap outta me! Yet I had no problem with the Empire State Building in NYC. The barrier wall was above my chest so, no worries! I'm completely weird!


  18. Oh, other fears I have...spiders...ick! gives me chills just thinking about them! I also have a fear of being abducted by someone - usually a man. I'm not sure why as nothing like that has ever happened or even threatened but if I'm out and about alone in a creepy place in the evening, I am super sensitive and can feel the hair on my body standing on end. Gives me the willies!

  19. Bror;
    Yes, we are a couple of odd ones, aren't we? It's strange, though, to not be able to even conjure up my son's face or my own face. I think it could be synesthesia-related but the odd thing is if I do a psychic read, I can often conjure up a person to describe them, but only one feature at a time and not as a whole. I do the same thing with people I know. I know what my son's nose looks like and his mouth and hair, but I can't put it all together. F-R-E-A-K.

    Irrational hatreds, hmm? I consider myself lucky. You keep coming back here, so unless you're stalking me for the kill, I suspect that I am not on your irrational hatred list.

    I think the majority of people are like you. You could have me hog tied to an edifice and I'm still gonna feel all freaky and wobbly.

    I had that issue with the desire to jump too. One time, my ex drove me up a mountain nearby and we went to the lookout and then he decided he wanted me to drive down and I couldn't get over the desire to drive over the edge. I told him that once we got to the bottom of the mountain and I do believe he turned rather gray. Haha. I wouldn't do it, but there is a strange issue of control. It's like you can imagine falling so much that you think you might induce it.

  20. the suicide forest in mt. fuji would be a scary one. i would do it with a group; definitely not alone.

  21. Sandra;
    I would go with others so I don't get lost, but I know me and like on any hunt, at some point I have to ditch people and do it alone for a while so I can just experience all the feel of it and get a read on the place. It helps when no one else is around to confuse a psychic read. I just open myself up and let it come flooding in. I can't even imagine what those woods would hold. The concept of great emotional torment, suicide and nature together seems like it would be quite bonding.

    Mister Sharaf;
    You are a timid thing, hmm??

  22. I'm taking notes...tee hee! I found out about the bee fear when we ran across that huge hive with all those bees buzzing around. You quickly backed off. My fear is getting stuck in a tiny confined space. I get shivers just thinking about it.

  23. Okay, sis. I will be certain we do no ghost hunting in caves, okay?

  24. Ok....
    I'm terrified of snakes. Not of them biting me, but it's that winding around my leg or arm stuff...and just thinking about it that makes it hard for me to breath ....
    what else? Hmmm....
    Organized Religion,
    People with no compassion or empathy and OH yes!
    The possiblity of Sarah Palin becoming President.

  25. Cindi;
    If it's nonpoisonous,I'm fine, but the other things you mentioned are the things of my nightmares!

  26. i am a little late to the party... what scares me...

    a grave, let me explain the fresh dirt, dark, little creatures and no way to get out. now for the added bonus close the opening to where you can barley breath and you cannot move... wait that is the coffin. so i am saying i don't want to be buried alive.

  27. Me either. I like your list. I think the pyramid thing would be cool. I've never slept in these places, but I did visit Alcatraz on a day when (strangely) there weren't that many tourists and was able to stand in a cell for a bit by myself. That was cool. I've not been in a castle dungeon but I have been in the lowest (and oldest) bowels of the 500 year old El Morro in San Juan when no one else was about. Living there had its benefits, since I could visit the place on days when hardly any tourists were milling about. It stops looking like a fortress and more like rough-hewn stone and everything is wet and dripping with algae and moss. I think it might well have been BETTER than a dungeon.

  28. Jeremy;
    Yeah, buried alive--horrifying!

    We can start a club!

    Now, that sounds moody and atmospheric. I would love to touch those stones and see what info they hold. How cool!

  29. Ah, Pangs, I do believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt (?) who said "there is no courage if there is no fear." That is so true.


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