The Spirit's Point of View

You know that moment in a dream when it's an emergency and you rush to a phone only to find you have no coins in any pockets or you can't remember the phone number no matter how hard you concentrate? How about when you run, but you're running in place and can't make any distance between you and your dream tormentor? Or the times when you scream for help but no voice comes out?

We spend a lot of time as hunters wondering how to capture moments with the other side, but imagine what it's like for the other side.

In a suddenly new noncorporeal (body-less) state, what is our existence like as a spirit? My first thought would be that we would suddenly recognize ourselves for the first time, no longer mired down by an electrical system, sensory input, aches and pains and gravity. There would be familiarity as if the very essence of our being is reunited with itself without deadlines, without human issues, without physics; sort of like when you finally get that relaxing day on a beach after years of overworking and you have nowhere to go, nothing to do, just the warm sun and the rhythm of the waves.

Movies portray it because it's a point of reference for humans, but would a ghost really experience that "phantom limb syndrome," but on a scale of "phantom body?" Think along the lines of Patrick Swayze in "Ghost" training himself to deal with the new limitless state and the fact that he can't just reach and open a door.

Not living within a physical world, a spirit should have a certain amount of omnipresence and the ability to be everywhere at once instead of "one body/one place" and the linear world the living have to experience. They could be at every beloved family member's home at once which might explain why in my family a few members across country saw my father at the same time upon his passing.

Without ears and an auditory canal and brain-stem, how the hell does a ghost hear us when we request they tap twice on the walls and then how in the hell does he tap on those walls?

If we look at haunting sites and psychic skills we come to the conclusion that a psychic can perform telekinesis (movement of objects with thought) and poltergeist activity produces movement of objects through spirit provocation, then why can't a spirit knock on the wall for us?

I focus on this often in my study of the paranormal, but for them to show themselves or sound themselves or give off scent, they have to work within our laws of physics. At some point, a spiritual being affects our world we live in.

Here's another consideration, can we affect their spirit world?

If we consider the spirit world like another dimension, and humans having a soul within, then we should also be able to affect their world. Is this the miracle that occurs with prayer? The studies that show that people that are prayed for and don't even know they are can improve in health by our spirit intention alone? Is this the realm the psychic medium is tapping when conversing with the other side? When someone performs telekinesis is their soul/spirit affecting our physics as it would in the afterlife scenario when it raps on the wall for our attention, only doing so while still held within a biological form?

Then, taking this one step further, is perhaps the communication pathway and only likely meeting point for the living and the dead using humans in their spiritual form, suspended from their physical form to communicate? In other words, are we doing this in our sleep every night when our bodies are in a paralysis mode so that our minds can be overly active?

Then, too, could some spirit activity be caused by the sleeping citizens around the world every night?

It's not even Mind Fuck Tuesday and I'm messing with your heads. These are things to consider when ghost hunting; what obstacles do spirits come up against in their desire to communicate with those of us stuck in a physical world and how can we meet them halfway?


  1. You also assume that they know that they are spirits in the first place...

  2. Vapor;
    The first clue they're in spirit form might come when they move about. It could be at first like the sleep state when we don't know we're dreaming and aren't lucid about it and are caught up in the scenarios being played out without realizing that we physically are not running even though we are running in our dreams. This kind of astral projection should feel very surreal to them. When I am having moments in my life where I've made a goal and feel invincible, I have a dream where I'm running fast and far across country and during the dream I think to myself "it doesn't hurt, I'm not breathing hard, this is so easy." It wakes me up because my consciousness knows I can't run like that. I would guess this is as close to the spirit state as we get is in our sleep where we can do things we don't normally do like fly and simply think something and then we're there without traveling. It would seem that simply having intent should move them wherever they want to go. I think about the pyramids and I'm there instantaneously. There would be the first moments of lucidity as a spirit when you realize (like I did in the running dream when I realized I wasn't breathing hard or tired) that they have to sort of "wake up" to their new reality and go "shit! I can do it all!"

  3. Funny Vapor was the first to comment: the picture made me think you need a de-humidifier in your bathroom.

  4. Sucio, your wit always gets me. I never quite know how to respond to you. I rather like being unsettled.

  5. I think it's important not to focus just on the physical senses which may be lost in the afterlife, but also to ponder what might be gained. The spirit world may well be more "real"- more vivid, intense, and colorful- than our reality. We may be little more than a shadow when viewed from the other side.

  6. Great point, Bleaux. I was thinking about doing more posts probing what the afterlife might be like and that is one of the things. When my father had a heart attack and they told us he passed, he was dead for 4 minutes before they could bring him back. He did say the typical things like he saw all his family and that he was in a fiord (he was from Norway). But, he also said there were colors that don't exist and flowers that don't exist. Intrigues the mind, hmm?

  7. I believe spirits are able to gain and process knowledge much more quickly then those who reside in our mortal plane.

  8. Hey, is anyone else being sniped by Viagra ads in their comments section today? I got a shitload from a bunch of supposedly different sources. I thought Google could filter out the fucking word "Viagra" from comments? Jeez.

  9. Spirits have very strange properties. If you freesze alcohol with liquid nitrogen , it becomes like jello. Then you can smear it on bread and eat like a sandwich...

  10. interesting post. i hate those dreams you mentioned. in the phone dialing dreams, i know the number, i just keep hitting the wrong buttons. and i keep trying again and again with no success. ooooo, i hate those dreams.

    i wish the ghost hunters who encounter intelligent ghosts would try to communicate with them and see if they could answer some of these questions. i know that sounds simple. but the ghost hunters never do, they just go in to confirm or debunk a haunting. i know the shows we watch are just entertainment, but i would love to see a serious ghost hunter try to get some answers.

  11. Sandra;
    I'm with you! I have a concept for a show and I think it would seriously forward the research, knowledge, industry, and guide us to making repeatable encounters. We need to turn the industry inside out and start using some commonsense and quit towing the same lines about what ghosts are and how they work and that electrical equipment and receivers like digital recorders are going to pick them up because they're really not doing shit. Time to move on and think outside the box. Think like a ghost!

  12. Just going off topic slightly, but an interesting diversion. The Moon we all know it's effect on the oceans along with the wind. But as humans we are 77% water, so what affect does the Moon have on this?

  13. RightHaunted;
    Good point. Some say that the human body's water is not a big enough mass to be effected by the pull of the moon, but hell our bodies aren't that massive and they still have to adhere to gravity. I think it would exert interesting rhythms and pulls on us. I used to work in an ER and people often blamed the full moon on more activity, but I admit to being more practical. More people go out when there's enough moonlight to get into trouble at night, so that's more likely to be the culprit in that case.

  14. Carl Sagan said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. In the case of the claim that those that get prayed for receive some measurable benefit, I wonder how true that is and has it being verified? So often I want to believe in the mysterious but listening to skeptics explain in scientific terms certain phenomena, takes the pizzaz out of it. How do you balance the scientific with the myserious?

  15. Israel;
    Welcome to my world. I am not just a Virgo, but I find that in the field of ghost hunting, it's like religion; you must either believe haunting issues are caused by the souls of the living or you must be a nonbeliever of the paranormal. I am not a "believer" that we are dealing with souls. I would certainly LOVE to believe it, but I do not take things on "faith." I have witnessed things in "haunted" places that defy all logic and I am a psychic, something that is painfully hard to admit, but I cannot turn away from the truth that I know things I should not know--things that could not come by any other means but one we cannot explain. So long as there is "unexplained" out there--I am searching. Hence, GHT!

  16. can the spirits feel something physically at all?

  17. Invagrantly;
    One thing that people who experience NDEs (near-death experiences) report is the freedom they felt being free of the bondage and baggage of a human body. It actually sounds rather wonderful after a hard workout and a sore body limiting all the things I want to do at once. :-)


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