Mind Fuck Tuesday: Is Blood Thicker Than We Thought?

There is some discussion that people with transplanted organs often take on the personality, likes and dislikes of the donating person. There are theories about this, one being that on a cellular level all your information is stored in every cell. A cell in your toe knows all the things you did as a child and all the things your arm has done today. Others take it a step further and say that our DNA carries memories and that what your grandfather did in his Navy days in WWII may not have stayed there, but carried on through his DNA into you. Today, you break into a navy ditty when you're nervous and have no idea why. You also like mayonnaise on your burgers and malt vinegar on your fries just like Great Uncle Bob did.

Taking this even a step further, what if we are not only tied by DNA and cellular memory, but also spiritually so that when a lineage dies off, the descendants have a constant playground of spirits around them in everything they do. A sort of soul DNA. You didn't choose that house on Elm Street because it cost less than the one on Oak Avenue. Your sister wanted you to live there and she chimed in with Great-Grandpa Milkins and your Aunt Betsy and the collective swayed your choices. Your blood is their blood, your DNA their DNA and their spirits your spirits...

So, what do you think?


  1. i don't believe it happens that way... it is just doesn't sound right on a logical level. but i am not a logical person, i believe there is something that connects us, connects us all. why could it not be by dna or transplant. twins have a connection, which might have developed in the womb. animals connect without sound... aren't we essentially animals?

    Happy MFT!

  2. Jeremy;
    Yes, open minds. We are all connected. As a psychic, I know that. I think some of us are able to stop and observe those connections and follow them like breadcrumbs (psychics) but we all leave a trail.

  3. As usual you go where no horror writer has gone before. Soul DNA? Priceless. That clears up so many things about 1313 Mockingbird Lane.

  4. CB;
    What can I say? You just never know where I'll take you. p.s. How did you know my address??? :-)

  5. Stuff like this is why I would have a hard time agreeing for a transplant. Just the thought of something happening is enough to make me worried.

  6. Marduk;
    I know someone who had two transplants years apart from two different donors. Each time, this person had some mood changes and different attitude. The ability for scientists to take a stem cell from your liver and then make it into skin cells shows the adaptability of every cell to potentially carry all the same necessary info. The next question to ask is whether immunosuppressive drugs used to help people maintain and not reject a new organ might actually keep people from rejecting the information in the cells of the organ too. Perhaps rejection of an organ has more to do with incompatibility with the knowledge in the cells of the person needing the transplant. Oh, the mind definitely rolls around on this one. I know I am donating my organs and my brother donated his, giving a woman in Greece her vision back. I like to think we share a great deal in humankind and what's a few cells between friends?

  7. Hmmmm...soul DNA. I like that. I mean, why not??? Of course you would have to ask, did the recipient of the organ know ANYTHING about the donor? Sometimes they do, other times they know nothing. If the recipient knew something about the life of the donor, then any similarities that the recipient may suddenly begin mimicking may be emotional due to the situation and not because they have another persons body part now implanted into them. I've seen lots of donor bodies. I've often wondered who gets their pieces-parts. Too bad that information is regulated by HIPPA and for the most part, no one would ever have that honor of knowing your donor or even who it was outside of maybe their gender.

  8. I thought flash drives held a lot of data but that's nothing compared to sperm.

    Bit messy though.

  9. Sucio;
    Don't even want to know how that would be backed up Some sort of external hard drive? perhaps a jump drive? hee hee

  10. Actually makes me think. I'd say it has a part of it in our cells. Everything is connected just remember that.

  11. Doo;
    Yes. I don't consider myself religious, but spiritually I'm pagan in my thinking. I do believe we are interlinked in ways we aren't even aware of. That is perhaps why when we lose our citizens, like the incident in Tucson recently, we feel a collective missing limb.

  12. We have certain characteristics of our parents because we come from them and are made up of their DNA, so if someone else's DNA gets put it into your body, then I don't see why there couldn't be some sort of effect.

  13. Jeff;
    I wouldn't be surprised. As someone who reads objects, I can't even imagine what living tissue could hold so far as a person's entire life collective.


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