"Ghost Adventures" Time To Play!

In the convoluted way my mind works, I struggled to find a Canadian musician at the peak of the golden music era of Canada, and hence chose the classic, Anne Murray. I suppose this means Zak and the Gang are going to Canada! Yup! Apparently, they went to the site of Canada's bloodiest battle. As I don't think of the Canadians as particularly war-minded folks or angry types, I will assume this was a Walmart and the battle was fought over warm winter slippers on sale.

Tonight's drinking game, same as always:
* Stay home
* Take a sip for every "bro," "dude," "man," and every time Zak is touched by the unseen and everytime Aaron's mouth drops open in horror.

The drink of choice? Canadian whiskey and hot spiced cider.

Don't forget that tonight at 7 pm EST we begin "Lonely on a Friday Night." You can drop in and comment back and forth and talk about anything, ask any question, chit chat, flirt, tell us how the show is coming along as you watch it.


  1. Sorry to tell you this, but I won't be able to visit the blog tonight, since I'll be on the road to my mom's house, in Pennsylvania. I'd would say I'd be here next week, but I'll be hosting a Christmas party. Have fun without me!

  2. HN;
    Will miss you, buddy. Have a safe and good trip. Enjoy the change of scenery. It's always fun this time of year to see how different things are decorated in another town.

  3. I get nervous every time I play one of your drinking games. I think Dale is going to use that as an excuse to sneak into my place and steal everything.

  4. CB;
    Naw, he'd probably just climb into bed with your wife and claim he was you. If she's smiling with pleasure at breakfast, be very very concerned.

  5. This is too funny. I watch Ghost Adventures habitually and think your drinking game is perfect. I love it when he pokes one of them in the eye, falls down, bumps his head, or can't say obstetrics. Hee, hee. But he's so cute, I love him (okay, I love his body. I'm not normally that shallow but he's fun to look at for sure.)

  6. Patricia;
    When the show first started, I thought to myself, "these are three dorks who were picked on in school and still are dorks," but then as the show progressed, I realized that they laugh at themselves as much as we do. They really like to be spaz's and it's part of their personality. Being a dork myself, I appreciate that. I love that they're still like excited kids after all these investigations. Sometimes, it's hard to tell if Jason or Grant is even breathing (check for a pulse please,film crew). Yeah, this drinking game was a natural fit for them. I even toast them when the show starts and ends.

  7. Canada's bloodiest battle? What? Three guys fighting over a Molson and a tuque.

  8. This could be interesting.

    Also, I'm fairly certain Grant doesn't breath.

  9. Grant does not breathe or do anything J doesn't tell him to do. Hee hee. I love those guys but it's time to retire if you're not going to grow and change and be in this for the science and discovery because they haven't made any new discoveries recently except how to hunt with sort-of celebrities.

  10. I don't know but at times I think with each Friday Zack gets a bit dumber.

  11. You know how the bigger a woman's boobs get, the dumber she gets? Well, the bigger Zak's biceps get, the dumber he gets. I'm the exception to the girl rule, though.

  12. Congrats for breaking the girl rules!


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