Hounds of Hell: Last Night's Terror

Legends of the Hounds of Hell are that they are supernatural dogs that guard the entrances to the world of the dead, such as graveyards and burial grounds, or undertake other duties related to the afterlife or the supernatural, such as hunting down lost souls or guarding a supernatural treasure. Some say they work for the devil and collect the souls due to him. This mad pack of canines is a haunting image, even more so considering last night.

I awakened at 3:30 am to the sounds of whooping and screaming. I thought at first in my half-dream state that someone won a football game. I sat up in bed and looked around the black room as the sounds became so loud that I was certain this insane cacaphony was on my back patio next to the arcadia door in my bedroom. I covered my ears just as I heard the people above me slide open their arcadia door to look out. The pack came right up near the fencing, screaming wildly like a thousand tortured hounds. They were not 20 feet from my patio. Luckily there's fencing between me and the desert preserve. They took off finally and the ongoing party sounds faded into the night. A half hour later, I was awakened by the insane coyote party as it passed by. It was quite literally the most chilling sound I have ever heard in my life. I buried myself under the blankets, threw a pillow over my head, but I could still hear this in my dreams. Listen and imagine it's only feet away from your window...


  1. Children of the night, what music they make.

  2. Yeah, sure, you can love the sound when you're not a woman naked alone in bed at night awakened to what sounds like party revelers on your back patio. Hee hee They are exquisite animals and when I realized what it was, I felt somehow more comforted knowing I had the hounds of hell pacing my fencing, but not taking me to hell.

  3. Must be the week for it. Mrs MM saw a coyote in the parking lot at her work. No insane coyote party, but a presence just the same. Loved that ICP line.

  4. MM;
    The poor critters are running out of places to hide.

  5. I really would have been frightened. I would have been padding around making sure everything was closed tight. You're right. They are running out of homeland. We've been having quite an array of unusual critters here in the city. The latest is a possum who tracks through my back yard.

  6. Mary;
    I love possums. I miss those kinds of woodland critters. When I was growing up, there was a beaver pond in the woods. I would spend an entire day there with a packed lunch, just watching them do their thing. They had no problem with spectators, either.

  7. Should have went ninja on them. Pajama Ninja with no pants or top.

  8. Yeah, in the 39-degree weather, I rush out onto the patio naked holding a mop in my hand and trying to intimidate the group. They probably would have laughed harder. It really did sound like they were partying. Crazy coyotes!

  9. HN;
    I'm wondering about that. It was pretty hazy dark out there. Well, so long as they don't come crashing into my apartment, they can party all they want--on the other side of the preserve (away from my desire to sleep in silence).

  10. Awesome! I'm sure it did startle you! Speaking of "Hounds of Hell" while back at the Salem Black River Cemetery this evening, we heard dogs howling off in the distance and also an owl hooting up a storm! I hope you can hear them on the video that I plan on putting up at least by tomorrow...if I can figure out how to do it! LOL

    I played the howling video...after a few seconds or so, my little guy (Alaskan Klee Kai - miniature Husky) looked up and was like "Mom? What the hell?" LOL He then got down because D's cat jumped up on the sofa and started pestering him! He's passed out on the floor now! My poor sweet little man!

  11. I am an owl freak! Every time one ever comes and hangs out around me, I'm about to make a huge life change. It's a good thing and a scary thing. In fact, my ex is complaining the owl hasn't left the tree out front and it was there right on the night I decided to announce my plans to divorce. When I was a kid, one came on the night we sold our house and moved west. Another time, when I got pregnant. Weird, huh?

  12. Actually, there is an American Indian belief that when an owl comes to you, that someone in your life is going to pass away. In your case the "change" wasn't as tragic, which is also good! My ex's Grandmother (his maternal g-ma which is his Indian side), always has an owl make an appearance before a member of the family passes away.

    I love owl's too. They are such neat creatures! Beautiful predators!


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