Skittles the Clown Arrives! What Next???

Well, Skittles the Clown arrived today and already he has Dale in line. Hopefully it lasts. The only thing the stupid doll fears is clowns. The only problem is, I fear clowns too. I'm not sure what I think of him. He's a vintage doll and the residual on him is very disturbing, sort of like a demented elderly person, a bit delightful but dementedly delightful and a bit wise and knowing, as if the clown giddiness is just a subterfuge for a highly intelligent being hellbent on making humans very uneasy. I'm not sure what to make of him, but I have my eye on him now instead of Dale. Not sure which is worse....


  1. He is just creepy! I will have to see how I feel about him when we meet on Saturday. You will have your hands full with both Dale and now Skittles.

  2. Sometimes it feels like I had a baby that was a real hellion and decided to try for another baby, hoping it would be the "good" one, only to find out it's the dark and quiet one. Yeah, you won't know who to keep your eyes on.

  3. are they both loose in the apartment with you!?!?!?!?!

  4. Cindi;
    Yes. I just put Skittles in the window with Dale and the dolls for the Halloween display for the kids and I suspect Dale will not be tripping over the new furniture tonight, but I can't say I know what Skittles will do.

  5. What if they commmit crime of passion because of jealousy of each other?

  6. Echo;
    Hmm... they may not like sharing the girl dolls. I'll have to watch them and see.

  7. Glad I found your site. I'm always interested in ghost evidence. Check out my blog and if you like it, feel free to follow. Thanx. :)

  8. Interesting. I can't call him creepy because clowns just don't bother me! LOL But hopefully they will bother Dale.

  9. always, 'WARE THE CLOWNS... voyeur! :P lol

  10. Skittle is creepy. Seriously creepy! Perhaps he's the one who needs locked in a trunk?? hehehe

    Perhaps you'll need to be sleeping with one eye open from here on out!

  11. Brenda;
    Skittles was suspiciously in the same position at the window where I left him last night, but I distinctly heard someone with big soft shoes walking down my hallway during the night....


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