Pajama Ghost Hunt--First Ever!

Julie and I have thought for some time we needed to do something a bit playful before a hunt. The real hunt occurs after this mayhem, but admittedly doing something unusual and building up physical energy actually can be attractive to "activity" so we're doing this purely for scientific reasons (oh, hell, and for giggles too). We wanted to mock the ghost hunting shows and since hunters do it at night, we wore our jammies and fluffy slippers. Enjoy the beginning of this new series we hope to continue on other hunts and make a regular on the blog. DO REMEMBER--THIS IS TONGUE IN CHEEK--NOT A LEGIT HUNT BEING FILMED.

So, Julie and I had fun doing our Pajama Ghost Hunt first ever episode. We actually got some ghost hunting done. And, of course, the prerequisite; champagne and strobe light dancing.


  1. Well you both looked great! From what I could see. :) PJ not-really ghost hunting rules!!!

  2. I probably enjoyed this way too much. Pajama ghost hunts…you may be on to something here. Why are you not more famous?

  3. Max;
    Not high, unless sniffing the corn maze counts. We have a way of bouncing off each other that's pretty insane. This is actually a typical goof off period before a hunt.

    Thanks buddy. We really do like to poke fun at those ghost hunting shows. I really liked pulling out the cell phone and asking them to message.

    I think I'm more infamous than famous. I am a real troublemaker and like to goof off. It probably doesn't make me popular with the ghost hunting shows, but they give me a lot of material to work with! With a new season of "Paranoid" State starting up and Ghost Lab, I expect more episodes of LAUGH will be forthcoming.

  4. That was a blast. After running around the corn maze and checking out all the activities at the farm, we needed this goof off time. We do serious hunts but sometimes you need to let your hair down and the girls out and just have fun.

  5. I do really believe that laughter attracts activity, so it's always a good practice to relax after setting up for a hunt. Too many hunters rush around to get to the location, set up the equipment and decide how to tackle the hunt and then sit down still with adrenalin running. They need to chill out and be approachable. If there were two parties going on; one with people grilling you anxiously with questions and another with people laughing and inviting you in warmly, which party are you entering?

  6. lol... howsabout tongue IN cheek? :P

  7. Thanks LW! Jeez! I added that in at the last minute because I knew some ass-wipe would complain about me mocking ghost hunters. I have a tendency to type by sound and since I say "tongue n cheek" I ended up translating it incorrectly. It is corrected and your editing is much appreciated.

  8. I linked to your blog today. BTW have you ever read "Spook" by Mary Roach?

  9. MM;
    Thanks. No, I haven't. Okay, another for the Amazon list. I'm hoping some day here in the near future to work on a humorous book about ghost hunting and the insane things that happen and the absurdity of the practices. I just find humor in it, even though it is a deadly serious subject (pun intended), I still find even the most important subjects to be hilarious which is why I got kicked out of sermons in church as a kid. The minister would say something and I'd take it literally and start choking on my own laughter and trying to make it sound like coughs.

  10. I'm pretty sure that EVP was "testes, testes...want to peeeee"

    Imagine the horror. Stuck between worlds. Nowhere to go.

  11. We might have to revise our final report on that one! Yeah, talk about purgatory; full bladder/no pot to pee in.

  12. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, that was fantastic. I've been plowing through your posts, but I haven't reached this beauty yet. Thanks for directing me to it!

    I see your theme, and raise the stakes. It will make the horny ghosts come out. Strip Ghost Hunting. Every time you experience a paranormal event, you have to shed one article of clothing. By the end of a 'productive' night, you'll be streaking through the halls, chasing bumps in the night!

    And pfff, a hotel where some guests hear a moaning gentleman? What hotel do you NOT hear that at??

  13. L.I.I;
    You made my day, buddy. Got some of my videos in the top tab on my blog, the rest are on YouTube under "psychic62" I'm guessing you'd really like the belly dancing scarf ones...


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