Name the Clown Contest!

Well, I've thought about this a lot. How do I control Dale during the Halloween month? Last night, he flashed the neighbor kids playing in the courtyard and then snuck to a woman's patio and whispered at her, making her think she was crazy because she couldn't find where the voice was coming from. I'm fine when he keeps his antics to the inside of the apartment (oh, and thank you folks for telling me where the knives were hidden), but he has really been bad this year. So, knowing that the only thing in the world Dale fears is clowns, I have resorted to purchasing this fellow (above). He is in the mail right now on his way to my home. So, what shall I name him? Some names thrown around have been Zippy, Clarence and Heckles. I'd love to get your input on this important new addition to GHT.

Simple rules:

Be a follower
Leave only one comment with only one name suggestion per person
Do so by Sunday midnight/Monday EST.

The chosen winner will get the "poison" flask and skull bottle opener shown above.

The name will be chosen and winner named on Monday morning when I post the week's TV shows.

**THERE WILL BE ANOTHER CONTEST ON HERE TOMORROW!! Yes, it's true! 4 contests in one week! This one is sponsored by SyFy channel and is a very awesome prize!**


  1. "Sawtooth". I know Dale is made out of plastic, but there is the whole "wooden dummy" aspect to vantriloquist the background bonus on this name is it is taken from a character in the "Twisted Metal" video game. He was destructive, murderous but sometimes just silly.

  2. Creepy Winky! Polergeist I've never been the same!

  3. I like Tipsy the clown

    BTW - Your new header looks great but it doesn't link back to your main site.

  4. Leo;
    I'm going to go to the writer's group on Wednesday night, so hopefully you'll be there. I'm curious to hear more for your writing because you got me hooked with what you've written so far. Unfortunately, I'm working on nonfiction now, but I will just have to make everyone suffer through it (although it is interesting nonfiction). I had to settle into my new life here and get things in order before going back to my routines. I wanted to go back when I had fiction to work on, but I could use the input on the nonfiction since the publisher is waiting for the sample chapter. My son designed the header for me. I told him "steampunk, ghostly lettering and old-fashioned postcard look" not bad. It's purely for design.

  5. My first thought was Lollypop for some reason, I don't know why.

    But I think another candy name would be better, how about Skittles the Clown.

  6. Jessica, I stumped you?

    Ya'all are tossing in some great names. I'm hoping this doll works to keep Dale under control. At least I can place him near the door and Dale won't escape again.

  7. Wow, LW; that's my ex's name... Creepy, huh?

  8. What do you think about Dangles the Clown?

  9. Shakes

    Shakes the Clown one of the best movies ever. Stared Bobcat Goldthwait prefect dark comdey not horrior but funny stuff about an alcoholic party clown. Thanks for reminding me about this classic.

    Just in a side note why is A Clown not in the poll answers. I dressed as a normal party clown for two Holloweens. Never attemped to look scary (Ok maybe a little) but it creeped the crap out all of everyone. My two best Holloweens.

  10. Jim;
    How did I miss that--I gotta look that up! He cracks me up.

    I hadn't thought of clown. I knew there was a popular costume I forgot. I have to admit to a fear and arousal around clowns. They scare me, but they also turn me on. I'm such a freak! Still, this doll does creep me out and it hasn't even arrived yet.

  11. It has been years since I seen the movie, but it wasn’t a big hit. It played in limited theaters almost a straight to video because it was such a dark comedy. Easily missed, but a great movie. I don’t think the world is ready yet, but I do have a pretty dark sense of humor.

  12. Jim;
    We could start a club. I'm writing a book anthology about dark erotica involving things like sex with a clown, sex in a cemetery, all told by the male point of view. It's pretty weird shit, but hey it's a talent, what can I say. We need some dark humored folks out there.

  13. I don't know. He looks like a Cristobal to me.

  14. He looks like a Francois to me.

    ah, Shakes...I wanna party with that dood over at the Twisted Balloon.

  15. For some reason he speaks to me and says his name is "Chuckles". Not real original, but looks like a Chuckles to me.


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