“Night of the Living Dead”
This nostalgic favorite is one most of us cut our teeth on, a Halloween must-see. This is the kind of movie that satisfies the desire for a realistic view of the end-of-the-world scenario that seems feasible and could happen in our own towns. How many times have you watched this movie and said, “Oh, I wouldn’t have done that” or “I would have tried this”? This is a movie for the type of person who wants to empathize, a person who perhaps likes working within group and having a designated leader and a plan of attack; us against them. They might also like “It,” “The Birds,” and “Dawn of the Dead.”
This movie gives a clear-cut bad guy. There is no wondering who is committing the crimes. He allows you speed and intelligence to escape (if you’re not distracting having sex, that is). Virtuous people win, bad guy is easy to find; life has checks and balances. If you work hard, are smart and stay in line, you will survive against evil. This movie satisfies those who like the world in “black and white.” They like to know who to blame and they want to see resourcefulness pay off. They might also like “The Thing,” “Friday the 13th,” and “Poltergeist.”
“The Omen”
This movie confuses us. What should be good is bad (Catholic Church, the Nanny, a child), what should be bad is good (a father trying to kill his own child). There are no rules, there is no sense, and who should we be afraid of? The scariest thing is that what you don’t know you should be afraid of is what you should be afraid of. This kind of horror lover doesn’t mind not having all the answers, wants something novel and unexpected and feels there are no limits on what dark places man can probe. To them, life is ever-changing and dynamic. They might also like “The Exorcist,” “Psycho,” and “28 Days Later.”
So, which one were you? I admit, I usually like to see people banning together for a cause, so I was "Night of the Living Dead."
I guess I fall into The Omen category.
ReplyDeleteI was almost that category, but I end up watching the people banning together ones the most (zombies and end-of-world)
ReplyDeleteI'm most definitely, full on, The Omen category. Not only is that one of my favorite Horror films, haha, and so are the other ones you named out of the Category.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there is nothing like a good Zombie flick every now and then. Or a mindless horror movie where you have a black and white, good vs evil.
I've just always viewed Horror films as a basis for film makers to push the boundaries of our current social issues and struggles allowing us to see (mostly the extremes) of what could come to pass. Also allows us (the viewer) to think about how to change ourselves and our veiws of these issues...and I'm rambling, I'm sorry. :) I wrote a paper on this subject for my Film Studies class last semester. Anyways great topic as usual Autumn :D
ReplyDeleteYou are one intelligent man. Yes, they are a social statement. Just look at the old 1950s Sci-Fi "us versus them" (commies) themes. I used to study film to become a critic in the past, but decided not to pursue that line of work. I'm glad I didn't because I think it would have made something I love into a job. Besides, I'm much better at MST 3000'ing movies when they suck. I keep meaning to do some of those for the blog. Now that I'm getting my own place, maybe I'll watch some movie scenes and sit on the sofa and film myself bashing the movie and throwing popcorn at the screen. That's basically what I do every weekend anyways :-)
If I had to pick a category, I'd say I fall into the "Halloween" group. When it comes to movies, I love it when the something really horrible happens to the bad guy at the end. Part of that whole animalistic element of horror movies. :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, HalloweeNut, I think I have a little of all three types in me. Of course, around Halloween time, I'm in the mood to see them all, but the easiest ones to watch have a very clear-cut bad guy and good people can outsmart him. Those are very satisfying.
ReplyDeleteI say The Omen. Seems like the demonic child movie scrips are popular category in horror movie industry.
ReplyDeleteI'm Fried Green Tomatoes .
ReplyDeleteOh The Terror !
I can't decide! I can't decide!
ReplyDeleteCan I have a retest?
ReplyDelete"The Omen" was the first movie that I saw that I got rather hysterically scared by--I was scared to go home that night.
I'm with you on that one. I might add movies like "Beaches." I just hate sappy movies! But the piss me off more than they scare me, I must admit.
I can see you hop around back and forth from one foot to the other. You poor pup! Well, I will try you later and see if you've come to a conclusion. I looked at the movies similar to that one and realized that mine was a whole grouping of films not just that one film.
Definitely Night of the Living Dead, but I'm pretty partial to Halloween and Jaimie Lee Curtis. I left an award for you on my blog.
ReplyDeleteYou're a doll! Love ya, sis!
ReplyDeleteYou and I do similar things on the weekends then. My friends currently hate watching films with because I tend pick apart of them. Except a few of them keep showing me "good" movies (horror or none horror), haha. I'm huge film person, but coulnd't do the whole film critque thing, I think it would take the fun out of watching films ;). Perhaps we should/could converse over good films, Horror or not, might be fun. :) Haha. :P
Invidus, I'm always up to talk about films. I'm curious your take on a few horror films that sort of stumped and baffled me. I've become addicted to the Scandinavian ones. I think they speak to me because I'm half Norwegian/Swedish Sami, but also because they simply do things the way I would do them. Shoot me an email psychic62@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteWe can totally rip the flicks apart.
Will do. I haven't seen many European Horror, but would love to. I'll fire you off an e-mail, perhaps get the titles of the films and watch them. Then I'm game for a bit of film ripping, as always. :D
ReplyDeleteautumn, of course 'Halloween' & It...but than there's always my old favorite, The Shining!!
ReplyDeleteI would put The Shining in with the late category with The Omen only because you don't clearly know who the bad guy is--is he possessed? Drunk? Spirits driving him crazy or cabin fever? Yeah, we know who the bad guy is, but is it really him? I know a lot of folks who agree with The Shining. I'm weird but that's one of my favorite Christmastime horror movies along with 30 Days of Night and Black Christmas.
ReplyDeleteNight of the living dead. BTW...you would love, love the comic book Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. Just buy the first trade and i guaranteed you'll be hooked.
ReplyDeleteI trust you!
I've never been able to pick a favorite. There are so many to choose from that are wonderful. I guess what that probably says about me is that I have trouble choosing.
ReplyDeleteI get ya. Depending on the mood, it could change for me, but I think I still look at Night of the Living Dead as the most classic one that satisfied my need for people to board themselves up against some outside force.
I'm an Omen women. Yep. That about fits I think! However, I am gaga over Dee Snider's Strangland. May not necessarily be classified as horror, but it is definitely a twisted mind-f! Not to mention Dee's body if freakin' ROCKIN' in this flick!
ReplyDeleteYou got off task, sweetie, thinking about hot bodies. Damn, you distracted me with it. Now I'm thinking about the bodies in Reign of Fire! The fight seen between Matthew and Christian--holy hell! Sometimes, I replay it over and over again. Okay, it's official, I am off task now too!
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the Reign of Fire movie! Another "body" watch! Tee Hee!