Movin' Day

Nice view, huh? This is the view from my patio and master bedroom suite of my new apartment looking out over the mountain preserve with hiking trails, bunnies, coyotes and javelina. I am moving today and going to live on my own for the first time in my entire life. Better late than never. So, I will be busy today, but this evening I should have cable on and ready to go. After a long happy soak in the tub (no pictures will not be taken, so do not ask!), I will do a video tomorrow when the sun is up on my back patio looking at the beauty around me.

Regaining my freedom from a dead marriage is one great prize, but the greater prize is that I can put Halloween up on my birthday. My birthday is September 17th and you will know because I am going to do a video talking to you all face-to-screen for the first time, probably from my beautiful patio area. I will also do some videos when I hike through the preserve and hopefully show you javelina and the incredible view of Phoenix. I always wanted to put Halloween up in the house on my birthday, but my husband thought it was way too early. This year, for a gift to myself I'm putting it up on my birthday and live with it through to Halloween. I limited the amount of decorations I kept, but I managed to keep the really good stuff that says "me." There will be a lot of creepy and weird and disturbing things coming up on the blog and now that I will have a lot more free time, I can really do the blog up for the season the way I want it. I also have some crazy excursions planned with my best gal pals and will take you along in video to some crazy places and things. I also will hopefully be constructing my steampunk costume in my spare time and will model that on the blog in October.

So, wish me well and I'll be back on this evening more than likely because I will be having my first of many lonely nights.... I will no doubt need your fascinating company more than ever.

**Do not miss tomorrow's post. It's the first in my Halloween Series. Every Sunday there will be an inteview with a horror movie killer. Tomorrow it's Michael Myers.**


  1. Congrats on the move! I say put up Halloween now I do. I pulled out my kids Halloween bedding because when you've got ghosts and jols on your sheets its fun to go to sleep!lol! Starting early just means you can enjoy it more.

  2. Rock on with ya bad self! I'm *highly* looking forward to Halloween, and I'm all ready feeling that chill in the air up here in Ohio. In advance, Happy Birthday!

  3. Congrats on your move. What lovely countryside. I just know you are going to be so happy.

  4. yay, autumn!! i've been looking forward to this, well, maybe not as much as you, but a lot!! hope dale doesn't get scared, moving to a new home...he'll probably want to cuddle with you in bed tonight...heehee!

  5. New place look great, probably even majestic under moon brightness, and the split sounds like a breath of fresh air for you.

  6. Congrats on the Move! Any marriage that would prevent you from putting Halloween decorations up in September had to go. I can't wait to see your new place all decorated for an awesome Halloween. Enjoy your new freedom.

  7. Congratulations on your new found freedom and I love the idea of you hanging decorations for Halloween. Looking forward to the many videos especially of your hikes and the lovely sunset of phoenix.

    You sound very happy. Looking forward to reading more in the coming months. I'm excited for you Sharon.


  8. Good luck with your move Autumn. I wish you the best. I'm moving today myself, sitting in the Airport as I type this =p

  9. Congrats doll!! And good luck on the new chapter of your life!! Enjoy every minute of it!!

  10. Wishing you the most Steampunkish Halloween Celebration ever and lots of Cherry wishes and chocolate covered kisses in your bag of overflowing Halloween goodies of life. Love the view so far of your new place, I have always thought of a new home as a new adventure whether it be larger, smaller, better or worse than the last it will still be an adventure so enjoy the newness as it will be brief, but the memories can last a lifetime.

  11. I love the view!!!
    And don't worry about being have a HUGE fan base. You are going to love being able to kick your shoes off and relax with a beverage and not worry about ANYTHING!
    Oh, by the way...what's their pet policy?
    tee hee...then you truly would never be alone! And you could hike without me worrying about you!

  12. good'un... great view, too....

    earl's gone, no damage to me or mine, still windy as hell, though

  13. Congratulations!!!!! I'm so so so very happy for you :-D Good Luck on everything! I'm so happy that you're going to be doing the things that you want to do and not have to hide it :-D Yay!!!

  14. I love ya'all! I'm sitting here, exhausted on my bed. My bedroom is the only thing set up. I'm exhausted beyond belief. My son and his girlfriend and my husband all left and I have a fan blowing on me, drinking tons of water. Got the TV going so it's not so silent--the desert is very quiet and the masking between apartments is so good, I can't hear a damn thing, not even people walking above me at all! I am finally getting caught up and read your good luck wishes and I'm crying like a big baby. It helps me more than any of you can know. The reason I felt brave enough to leave my miserable marriage was because all of you saw something in me that made me realize that I'm not all wrong for being creative and fun-loving and goofy and funny and huge-hearted. They were all things he found as short-comings. That you are beside me as I go through this is keeping me brave when the little girl in me is saying "what the fuck are you doing leaving a safe life for the unknown? What if you don't have love? What if you never have a man beside you in bed to call your home?" I know that you will continue to be beside me in moments of insecurity and with your inspiration, I will finish this damn book and the next one and the next one and continue to do blogging that will blow your minds and somehow another day will go by and another one and things will begin to feel normal and I will find hope in my future and not a big question mark. You are my family--I love you all!

  15. Hon, if you only knew that I know exactly how you feel on so many levels. I'm beginning to think we were separated at birth! LOL

    Lots of love chica!

  16. Tara-Dear;
    You and I are so alike, it's freaking insane! I was always looking for my twin. Glad you're not a doppleganger instead. :-)


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