"GHOST HUNTERS" SyFy New Season Tonight!


  1. they remind me of Mario and Luigi

  2. I will record it and watch it after LA Ink. If it is descent, I might do a recap.

  3. Ya'all sound like me. I keep thinking, if the housewives of Atlanta are on it, I'm truly turning the channel. I really didn't see a single episode last season, admittedly. They have lost me. Someone at least put Steve in a dress or something to make it more interesting. It's the same old/same old....

  4. Looking at the onscreen guide, GH is on three times in a row and I don't remember any of the episodes (or if I watched them), so I didn't know if the new one was on at 7 or 8.

    Proof positive of something, trust me.

  5. Pangs;
    I believe it's the one entitled "Haunted Hotel" (which is the middle one I believe)

  6. I will usually hang on to all the DT episodes until the new season, but GH was off my list as soon as the show was over. I can't remember any of the shows last season either.

  7. Julie;
    I can't wait for DT and the Beast Legends show--Thursday nights will be awesome! Oh, and Big Bang Theory is that night too--I better hurry up and come up with a reliable way to record....


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