Abandoned Trailer Park Revisited

Julie from Above-The-Norm (she has pics up at her site) and I had a blast last Wednesday checking out the desert and its offerings for video and pics. This place is so desolate and so intriguing. Nearby is a hobo encampment near the train tracks. It's strewn with possessions aging in the burning sunlight and monsoon rains. Wind howls through swinging boards on broken fences. It is truly an amazing and creepy feel. Enjoy!


  1. So eerie.... especially with that music. Hey did I think i caught a glimpse of a ghost hunting theorist. :)

  2. That might have been my hair. It certainly wasn't a desert bigfoot or Javelina. That place is wicked crazy. There's a hobo encampment on the edge of it near the train tracks. I wanted to explore more but my car would not turn off. No kidding. It wouldn't unlock the key. So, I tried driving it a few feet, putting it into park again and trying it, nope. No matter what I did, the car would not turn off and let go of the key. I gave up and let Julie explore while I hung out and then we went a mile down the road to a burned out house (video next) and the car turned off fine. I think it didn't want me hanging out in this eerie place.

  3. Wow! That's a total sign that you weren't supposed to stop there. So creepy that it wouldn't unlock the key there.

  4. Maggie;
    I admit that this location is not a good place at all. You can tell the hobos and others looted it and stay there upon occasion. We had to be cautious there were no signs of life anywhere, but the blasted car has never in its 12-year history done that, so it was pretty funky weird. It might have just saved us from exploring deeper into the other trailers away from the car where we might have run into something living....

  5. Autumn, I was just thinking the same thing. Y'all need to be VERY careful out and about in those abandon places, especially where there have been signs of life. There are some whackjobs out there and I'd hate to have something happen to either of you before we even get a chance to meet in person! LOL Of course it would make it a bit easier to embalm ya!

  6. Tara;
    No embalming yet. I may be goofy and very sweet-hearted, but I'm also 5'8" tall, athletically built, trained to protect myself and I can be a holy bitch on wheels if someone messes with me or my loved ones. I feel sorry for any dude who makes the mistake of messing with me. I've done some pretty crazy shit in the past to stay safe. I always sit a while and case the area too and one of us stands guard while the other photographs. I have fun, but always safely. Oh, and you'll have to wait another 52 years for that embalming.

  7. Watching this video just gave me a feeling that I revisited a long with you the abandoned trailer park. This is brilliantly done video accompanied with the song.

  8. Thanks Echo. I redid the burned out house video and it's up to see. They didn't like the song I used, those YouTube bastards!

  9. Nice job with the video. It was pretty creepy that your car wouldn't turn completely off and let the key out. We did take it as a sign that we shouldn't be there. Also, I think I was more worried about the slimy creatures with rattles or stingers on their asses than the humans. Thanks again for taking me. My pictures will be up later.

  10. You just never know who might be sleeping in one of those structures. I wish the car would have turned off, I would have liked to pick through things and do some readings. What a pissy thing. I guess it knew better than us.

    Ya'all hear that? Julie will have the pic's up from this desert adventure (amazing photographer) at Above-The-Norm in a while.

  11. Did I give you permission to video record my home ?
    No I didn't !

  12. Max;
    So sorry, baby. Didn't give away your address. I believe in privacy.

  13. It's okay ...
    anything for you !

  14. Got you eating out of my palm, you cute little devil? I like that.


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