Greetings from Globe, AZ!

Me and the ghost hunting gals are in a huge schoolhouse room in Globe, AZ. Gonna do a ghost hunt tonight. The place is furnished with old school desks and chalkboards. The room has super high ceilings and a huge row of windows. It's beautiful. We're going to supper in a while and then a girl's night of ghost hunting and, yes, I did get a nice bottle of champagne for us to enjoy later on--our reward. You can't take me anywhere. I already got a timed shot of myself typing at an old school desk on my laptop in my bra. What? It's hot here! I can't help it. And, no, B.G. I am not posting it! We got to meet our fantastic blogger friend Devin from My Favorite Monsters this morning. He's so wonderful. It was great to have a voice to put to him and get a hug. He let me do a psychic read there and got some great stuff I will write about later. Very cool. Julie from Above The Norm is here too and my hunting friends Debe and Ginny. We are a funny team together but definitely a good chemistry to attract stuff. Dale says hi (he went along) and he will be featured in a creepy film to be seen later....


  1. What a coincidence! I'm typing at a desk in MY bra too!

  2. Tell me, doc, is yours a Victoria's Secret super uplifting??? I think mine beats yours!

  3. Actually mine's a beige one from Kmart so.... it's pretty hot. And I pull it off like nothing you've ever seen. ;)

  4. Hey Now!! LOL

    I was getting the semi blow by blow about the gang's activities via email "chat" last night. Dale also sent me a secret email when the girls were not looking! Hee Hee Bet you all did not know that! I must say that I was looking quite stunning in my flannel shirt and sweat pants last night, so there!! :-P LMAO!!

  5. Poor Rowan;
    You had to wear your flannels, huh? Dale as getting an eyeful of us! Now, you have me wondering what the little booger was saying to you. I bet he threatened you with his nighttime stalking techniques to not divulge.

  6. He tried to threaten me....

    I reminded him that if he showed up it was extra chilly here and I may need to throw another log on the fire......hehehehehehe

    I think he got the message if you know what I mean. ;-/ (that's supposed to be an evil grin smiley thingey...)

  7. Hey!!!!! What happened to my evil grin smiley thingey??????? :-P

  8. I have that picture and demand a million dollars for you to get it back or I will show it on my blog.....oops, sorry I forgot who I was messing with (no hexes here please, I'm already having money problems and I don't have balls for you to shrink, lol) Nothing but love..

  9. Hey Julie;
    You know, you reminded me...I need to send you all the crazy pictures--including the bra shot just so you can remember what a nut job you ghost hunt with! I'm determined to film a pajama ghost hunt on one of these excursions and put it on YouTube.

  10. How about a pajama Bigfoot hunt?

  11. Yeah, I'm still thinking hemp brownies might just draw him out if gals in PJ's didn't...


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