Ball Lightning: A Hallucination?

By now, ya'all know my theories, but apparently neuroscientists are considering some of these aspects too. This article discusses findings on the possibility that magnetic fields cause hallucinations making people see ball lightning. Under the proper conditions during an electrical storm, these magnetic fields can affect the brain and make you see floating and moving lights... Interesting.


  1. Great post! I love, love, love thunder storms!

  2. I think they create magic--now we have confirmation.

  3. Yes, and they're quite spectacular!

  4. Great. Just another 'nut' to look out for.

  5. Yeah, you definitely don't want a storm to flash you its balls...most traumatic.

  6. I used to be so frightened of thunder storms. That stems from childhood when the lightning came through the window and struck our lamp. Mom and me ran out and drove around in the car until the storm was over. But now, I love a thunder storm. To me, they are symbols of the power of nature.

  7. Mary,
    Good attitude. When I was a kid, they scared me and then my dad would say "the angels are bowling, can't you hear it?" We'd listen closely and then he'd say "split!" and we'd wait for the rolling and crash for a "strike!"


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