Cemetery Crawl Weekend!

Our yearly Cemetery Crawl event (#5) is happening this weekend. I wish I could have joined them on the road but I work for basically a sweat shop and it's impossible to get time off without having to make up the hours during the next week (bastards!) Well, that aside, I did enjoy making up the rhyming clues and designing the T-shirts for the teams.

Debe Branning from MVD Ghostchasers and I started this Cemetery Crawl event in 2006 as a fun way to get ghost hunters to gather some cemetery knowledge, see some great places, learn some interesting things, and at the same time enjoy an "Amazing Race" style competition road rally that takes them all over the State of Arizona. Debe is writing about in her Examiner online column and I'm sure on Monday, she'll have a lot to say about the crazy teams of 3 people who chase around in cars, get off at goofy places, have to do certain tasks like loading coffins into hearses and finding certain graves over the weekend. They are hitting about 8 cemeteries this time and numerous other odd spots along the way. The finish line is always the most hilarious point where they are exhausted, wrung out, and still running on adrenalin. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out and be sure and check the link in this paragraph for Debe's accounting. There's usually traffic tickets, cars breaking down, people trying to cheat and getting points taken away... You name it!


  1. I wanted to do this but couldn't get a group together. Maybe next year it can happen. If not, then perhaps you and Debe can find something else for me to do. I can't wait to read the articles, see the pictures and videos. Have fun.....

  2. Hey Julie;
    That could work out well. We always need cemetery attendants. You wouldn't compete, but you get to have fun with the crazies as they rush around. We could go as a group of attendants together. They usually ride ahead of the herd and get to the cemetery before the people arrive and make sure they get all their clues right.

  3. That is so cool!! Sounds like a great time. :)

  4. It is a total hoot! Those people never forget the chaotic insane run around the state that they did. They're often asked to do silly tasks. I love coming up with the clues. Here's an example of one of the rhyming clues...

    These chains and posts are not for a movie queue
    This super wide headstone will fascinate you
    Like a giant headboard that’s super wide
    The family must have had a lot of pride

    I have to say, with 4 headstones at 8 cemeteries, that's a lot of rhyming clues for me to come up with. They arrive and have to find a grave only by those sorts of descriptions.

  5. Oh that sounds like fun. I was out a week or so ago, in an odd area and saw a graveyard. Didn't have any signs, nor did it look very well kept. If I'm back in that area I'll get the location and post it for you. Might be something you'd be interested in.

  6. What county? Sounds interesting. One of my favorite forgotten one is Adamsville in Florence. The town washed away, but the cemetery remains.

  7. The cemetery crawl was a blast--we had six fantastic teams playing this year....you can check out the slide show here!!
    Hopefully Sharon can join us out on the road of the crawl some time!

  8. Aw man, I'm sorry you didn't get to do it!!!!!!


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