Road Trip Today

I went on a day-long crazy trip through the really green desert covered in orange, yellow, and purple wildflowers. The El Nino (thank you!) has really made everything the prettiest I've seen it in a decade! I went on the road trip with Julie from Above the Norm and Debe the ghost hunter from the Examiner and my ghost hunting buddy, Ginny. We headed east of Phoenix for Superior, Miami and Globe in Gila County. Tomorrow I plan to go through the pictures, but tonight, I have the videos ready. I didn't do a lot of video, but you can definitely get the feel for the trip. More tomorrow!


  1. Very nice Sharon. I like the music you added to the first video. It was definately a fun day-trip but next time I need to see those places at night. All the abandoned buildings and cool cemeteries would be sooooo creepy at night.

  2. The locals would be kinda creepy too. Oh my! When we left that one antique store, the man ushered me out the door saying to the shop keeper "I'm going outside with this lovely lady." I thought to myself--glad there's other lovely ladies with me. Yikes! I think they were definitely unsettled by us. It was funny, when we walked down the main drag and the local dudes were just looking at us like they'd never seen women. For a moment, it had that weird shootout in the old west feel. I wanted to laugh so hard! I think the Noftsger will definitely make a great haunted stay and if we know ahead of time we're going there--maybe Debe can talk to her buddy at the jail to get us in there. I'd love to see if I can catch that full body apparition again! p.s. Let's try not to do it during pollen season--I'm dying!

  3. What beautiful roads you have! Ours are poorly made nad not so smoothly constracted. I laughed really hard with the se3cond video. I had n't read the title and it took me a while to realise that i am looking at graveyards! beautiful practice the love making during any Sabbat but especially for the Spring Equinox and of course for Beltaine too.
    Brightest blessings!

  4. Georgina--it is the fertility time, right?? I'm glad you enjoyed the road trip. In a while, I should have some crazy pictures up too.

  5. That's some serious desolation. I always liked the desert for that. Can't say the weather looks like something to look forward to but at least it isn't Florida where you can cut the humidity with a knife. The graveyards look creepy in that old desert way and the towns feel like they're just waiting for nightfall to arrive so something horrific can come out from the canyons. Interesting.

  6. I LOVE THE VIDEOS! Okay, you get major props for at least putting your voice out there. It was so fun to hear it! (I'm assuming it is you I hear in them?) And the music in the first one...NEAT! Wish you would've told more about the stagecoach lady. That would've been fun to hear. I bet it was gorgeous with all the wildflowers too. Neat, neat, neat!


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